Psalm 51:17 King James Version (KJV) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. To teach the people of God to offer the sacrifices of brokeness and contriteness, equiping ourselves daily through prayer and the word as we await The Lord's coming
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Preparing for the Kingdom of God: Confessing Our Sins
Preparing for the Kingdom of God: Confessing Our Sins: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). In the ...
Friday, 8 April 2016
Luke 1 includes one of the most revealing cases of the seriousness of unbelief. You remember the story of godly Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist. Zacharias was a devoted priest who suffered because of a single episode of unbelief. His story illustrates just how seriously God takes this sin.
Scripture says Zacharias was “righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless” (Luke 1:6). Here was a pious man who wore the robes of his respected position. He ministered before the altar of incense, which represented prayer and supplication, acts of pure worship. In short, Zacharias was faithful and obedient, a servant who longed for the Messiah’s coming.
One day as Zacharias was ministering, God sent the angel Gabriel to tell him his wife would have a son. Gabriel said the son’s birth would be a cause for rejoicing for many in Israel, and he gave Zacharias detailed instructions on how to raise the boy. Yet, as the angel spoke, Zacharias trembled in fear. Suddenly, this devout man’s mind was filled with doubt, and he gave in to terrible unbelief. He asked the angel, “How do I know you’re telling me the truth? After all, my wife and I are old” (see Luke 1:18).
God didn’t take kindly to Zacharias’ doubt, and he passed this sentence on the priest: “Behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words” (Luke 1:20, my italics).
What does this episode tell us? It says unbelief shuts our ears to God, even when He is speaking clearly to us. It shuts us off from fresh revelation and it keeps us from intimate communion with the Lord. Suddenly, because we no longer hear from God, we have nothing to preach or testify. It doesn’t matter how faithful or diligent we may be; like Zacharias, we bring on ourselves a paralysis of both our ears and tongue.
The death and resurrection of the Lord accomplished two things.
1. Solving of the problem of sin and the old sinful nature that Adam passed unto us.
2. Giving to us by God the eternal life which existed before the foundation of the world.
It must be noted that the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is both a positive and a negative.
Negative and positive , because , just like a softcopy of a document which can always be printed and used. Such is the death and resurrection. We can always, by the Holy Spirit, draw upon the resources of the great substitution.
E.g if you want to deal with a stubborn habit, don't use your strength, take the document of his death and ask the Spirit of God to manifest the death of Jesus in your life.
If you want to bear the fruit of the spirit, do the same.
It's a foolish thing to try to type and print a 100 page document when the typing has already been done for you, and a printer provided free of charge. Why do you want to spend money to buy another printer?
The Holy Ghost is here to manifest the death and resurrection of Jesus in your life.
Stay blessed.
Pastor Henry Osei Amoako
In the beginning God made a garden for man. Man was charged to tend the garden. There was a river flowing in Eden which was parted into four. Man disobeyed and was cast out of Eden. There arose a second man also known as the last Adam. He made a garden in the hearts of His people and sealed them with His Spirit who is emblematic of the river that flowed in Eden. In Eden the river was parted into four. In the New Testament the gospel is divided into four which is a type of the river that was parted into four in Eden. Note, the bible didn't say there were four rivers in Eden. There was a river parted into four. The Holy Spirit testified of Jesus from Matthew to John in a different way. It is the same source but different manifestations.
The first Adam tended Eden. The last Adam tends His garden which is the soil of our hearts.
Genesis 18:17 And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;
A man who wants to walk closely with God should learn not to be sharp tongued. God knew the depraved state of Sodom and Gomorrah but He still asked Abraham his opinion. Yes, God knows that guy sleeps with almost girl he sets his eyes on. He knows that girl dresses in seductive clothes. He knows that woman has gossiped about every one in the church. He knows our leaders are corrupt. The question is can God ask of your opinion? Can God say the same thing about you as He said of Abraham?
So many bad things have happened to others because God could not find any man to plead for the offenders. God's friends are not sharp tongued. People may deserve what they are going through but God is still waiting for you to stand in the gap. Is God afraid to reason with you seeing you will rain fire and brimstone? Are you quick to pronounce judgement on offenders? God is looking for friends who have a heart like His.
Glory To Jesus
It doesn't matter how desperate you want to make a phone call, if it's outside the confines of your network provider, it won't go through. It works the same way with God's kingdom. Anything not done in the spirit cannot attract favour from heaven. It doesn't matter how much you talk about it,covet it. If it is not done in the spirit heaven will say to you out of coverage area. The year is coming to an end. There may be new resolves and pursuits for the upcoming year. Walk in the spirit and get access to heaven.
We can apply the birth,the works and death of Jesus to our lives in so many ways.
Jesus was and is still King over the whole universe but He chose to come down to a corrupt earth which still remains the lowest in terms of glory among creation because of man's fall. It's like the son of the president deciding to live in the most remote area of your country.
He was born in a town not noted for pomp yet after His earthly life Bethlehem still remains on the lips of people worldwide. You may have been born in a family or a place noted for poverty or notoriety but you can change the image of your background. No one can relegate your background except yourself.
He had a mission to fulfill which He was so focused on. He did not allow the hatred of the people to distract Him. We can choose to complete our heavenly assignment or allow criticisms and all forms of negativity to bury us.
He was exceptional right from childhood yet He was in submission to His parents. It doesn't matter how gifted we are we are still to be subject to those God has placed over us. It could be at work,family,ministry. You may be more gifted than your boss or pastor but God still requires you to submit.
Jesus knew the suffering on the cross was nothing compared to the glory that awaited Him. The trials,temptations we face daily should not cause us to give in. God rewards those who endure to the end. Jesus' name was exalted because He endured to the end. As the scripture says "He who overcomes shall inherit all things".
Glory To Jesus
Sometimes people make statements like " I don't care about what people say or think about me". If you don't care then please keep it to yourself because the bible makes us to understand a man's words is an expression of what is on the inside. God knows you get depressed when people say bad things about you. He knows you cry in secret when no one is around. Just be sincere to God and tell Him you feel the pain when you are badmouthed. He will help you heal without any grudges. Sometimes we go through certain difficulties in life because we are not sincere to God and ourselves. If Samson had been smart enough to cry to God when Delilah was trapping him daily he wouldn't have lost his eyes.
God knows you put yourself in that mess. He's waiting for you to admit your faults and ask for help. Many Christians are going through a lot of challenges because of denial. A young lady or man who has come of age needs a partner for life but he or she keeps on telling people I'm not interested in relationship. Is that spirituality? God knows you have that need. Be sincere to God. Tell Him about the things you can't tell any man. Admitting your needs and weaknesses before God doesn't make you inferior to any man. It is an act of faith and humility.
You have anger and pride issues. You find your Christian brethren talking about pride. Because it pinches you you want to talk over the conversation and give a whole lecture on pride. Why don't you keep quiet,take some good points, repent and learn in humility. You also want to say some so that you will also feel good. When will you ever be that man who has sinned and needs God's mercy like the tax collector in the temple? Remember the sacrifices that God delights in is a broken spirit and a contrite hrart. God is ever ready to help such people. Because you prove to be all knowing people are even afraid to advice you. You have become Jehovah Almighty. Why should you suffer like that? Tell God you are a gossip,proud,an angry fellow.
It is better to look weak before men and sincere before God than to appear righteous before men and filthy before God. The bible says whatever is manifest is light. The moment you decide to admit that besotted sin and pour out to God you are no more in darkness. God will start working.
There is a way a man will give a gift to a preacher that can open the door for covetousness to enter his life. Elisha knew Naaman the Syrian had still not understood the source of his healing. Elisha was trying to tell him you can't pay me for a miracle done. I'm not the miracle worker. You can't buy me with all these riches. I'm worth more than that". It is wisdom to turn down certain helps. Some preachers have changed their message because of a certain politician, businessman,king and certain rich men? Why? They did not discern. Any one who buys your stomach will change your sermon. God allows people to sow into the life of His servants but there are times God expects His servants to discern. When covetousness enters the life of a preacher he becomes a beggar instead of a heaven distributor. Miracles are not merchandised.
Sometimes God will allow Satan to mess up your life so that He would show Himself strong on your behalf. The bible calls it the wisdom of God. Sometimes the witches and wizards in your family think they have buried you but they don't know God is closely monitoring, working things on your behalf.
When Jesus died, many Jews thought it was party time. They thought they had buried a man but they did not know that He was going to resurrect with a generation. The devil can frustrate you all he can but when the power of the resurrection comes, no witch,wizard, force from hell can stand it. Let the devil mock you.
Let the witches jubilate. W)n ho ny3 anibre. When God lifts you from the grave, they will see, hear about you. The bible says God will not leave His holy one in the grave. Neither will He allow him to see corruption. They can bury you but they can't keep you there forever. Never!!!!!!!!!! As The Lord lives whom you walk before day and night in uprightness of heart nothing can destroy your life.
Glory To Jesus
Facebook ministry is good but sometimes God will take a man on the battlefield to fight battles in the real world. Dealing with people in the virtual world is different from dealing with people in the real world. A man can talk about healing all he wants on facebook. One day God will tell him, "son lets go, its time to get practical."
When such a fellow prays and people don't receive healing God is trying to tell him, "Son you are not what you think. You don't have faith as you thought". Another chap can talk about demonology. God will say "ok lets go. When this fellow starts dealing with demons and he realises he can't exorcise the demons, God is trying to tell him " Son you did not know how to use the authority I gave you as you thought". Another preacher will talk about love all day on facebook. God will say "ok let's go" Then God will allow a person who is a nuissance to come into his life.
God will not embarass His children but sometimes He puts them in certain battless to show them the stuff they are made of so that they will learn to move according to the measure of faith given them.
It is never about who talks much or who wants to do a lot. As we grow in The Lord, the enthusiasm that comes from the flesh will leave. When any of the promises of God in HIs word does not work for us it is because we lack understanding. Anything done without understanding lacks life. In my few years walk with God, I've learnt that God will not allow you to skip tests. You will take every test if you are going to get to the top.
The failures in ministry are not meant to distract or destroy us. They are meant to teach,humble and build us up.
Romans 15:18 Berean Study Bible
I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed,
I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed,
Glory To Jesus
As I was in a bus talking to The Lord about repentance and a genuine desire
to please Him, I asked Him about the innumerable sins which sometimes I can't recall and repent of. He told me, " Trust in The Holy Spirit. Trust in the power of His conviction. If you are paying attention, you would know His conviction."
Many times Christians are so burdened in their attempt to please God. They ask The Lord the things they have to let go. Pay attention to God's Spirit. One of His roles in the life of a believer is to convict us of our sins. No believer goes to hell without a warning. People go to hell because they loved their sins.
to please Him, I asked Him about the innumerable sins which sometimes I can't recall and repent of. He told me, " Trust in The Holy Spirit. Trust in the power of His conviction. If you are paying attention, you would know His conviction."
Many times Christians are so burdened in their attempt to please God. They ask The Lord the things they have to let go. Pay attention to God's Spirit. One of His roles in the life of a believer is to convict us of our sins. No believer goes to hell without a warning. People go to hell because they loved their sins.
John 16:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
The condition of ones heart will often manifest in his dreams.
Are you always eating in dreams?
Are you always losing battles in dreams?
Are you always having sex and going to the wrong places in your dreams?
Do you always see yourself missing out on The Lord's coming dream after dream?
Do you always find yourself in your former school?
Do you always find yourself with former lovers?
Are you always eating in dreams?
Are you always losing battles in dreams?
Are you always having sex and going to the wrong places in your dreams?
Do you always see yourself missing out on The Lord's coming dream after dream?
Do you always find yourself in your former school?
Do you always find yourself with former lovers?
Check the condition of your heart. God is saying something to you. The devil is neither joking with you. He aims at keeping you there forever. One time The Lord told me that we have power over our dreams. We decide the outcome of our dreams. You can stop those dreams through prayer and genuine repentance.
Job 33:14-18
14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
15In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
16Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
17That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
18He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.
Acts 7:23
And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.
Acts 7:23
And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.
Many Christians have missed the voice of God on many occasions because they were expecting the supernatural. God is not One who will always come in the burning bush or speak and sound like many waters. Some Christians have been wondering why God never speaks to them. The truth is that God has always been speaking. Maybe you have not been paying attention.
Before Moses ever had the burning bush experience at Sinai, God had already spoken to him in Egypt. Stephen by The Holy Spirit spoke about this when he stook before the council. That desire in the heart of Moses to visit his brethren was the voice of God. God starts with a little experience and as we gladly welcome Him He speaks further.
You remember Samuel at Shiloh? It wasn't a familiar voice that night but when by the help of Eli he responded to that voice it ushered him into his calling.
What has God been saying to you over the years? Have you been having that strong desire to do something in His kingdom. Has it been coming to you often? It is God speaking. Just heed to Him. You might be the next Moses of your generation. You might be the next Samuel in town. Last night I woke up around 1 and I could not sleep. I felt burdened to pray. I did not hear God as I often hear Him but I knew He was the one speaking through that restlessness in my spirit.
God is still saying something beloved. Catch the basics. Soon you will start chatting with Him as a couple chat and enjoy themselves. When He calls you would know He is the One. His sheep hear His voice.
Philippians 2:13
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Yesterday I was talking to my brother and he was telling me how difficult it had become for him to tell a lie. I affirmed it and we realised it was the working of God. Many times we pray to God to change our lives but we don't even realise what He has done and what He s doing.
Take your mind back and you will realise that you are not that temperamental person you used to be few years back. Some may attribute it to growth. If positive changes only happened through growth how come there are adults who are still holding unto their bad habits. Learn to recognise the working of God in your life. He changes us bit by bit.
It is like how our hair and nails grow. We never get to see how it happens but we know it grows daily. If we are still in fellowship with God then we should trust Him for that positive change we are seeking. Thank Him for what He has done and what He is about to do,
Glory To Jesus
Zechariah 4:9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.
Zechariah 4:9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.
As I was in church praying The Holy Spirit ministered this scripture to me and led me to share with His people.
There is an oil to start or innovate. There is also an oil to finish. Many times many ministries have the zeal to start an evangelism, a prayer rally but along the way it collapses. It's either most of these initiatives were not birthed by the Spirit. They were either borne out of the flesh or people run ahead of God when God begins His work so sometimes we have revival in churches and the few weeks ahead people go back into passivity. So in Zechariah 4:6 The Lord told Zerubabel it was not by his might nor by his power. Zerubabel together with the people of God had laid the foundation of the temple. Today we are His temple. We are being built by Him. Any thing that comes from the flesh will only last for a season. How do you know it's from the flesh? When your words, thoughts, actions are not directed towards Him. You seek to work for Him but in truth you are seeking your own honour. So in Zechariah 4:9 The Lord says to Zerubabel, boy you have laid this foundation through my guidance. I'm not going to leave you clueless. We'll accomplish this together. You have to learn to start with Him and trust Him every moment to lead you. Whatever God Himself plants, He harvests. May you receive the grace of a finisher. May you not burn out along the way. His children are conquerors.
There is an oil to start or innovate. There is also an oil to finish. Many times many ministries have the zeal to start an evangelism, a prayer rally but along the way it collapses. It's either most of these initiatives were not birthed by the Spirit. They were either borne out of the flesh or people run ahead of God when God begins His work so sometimes we have revival in churches and the few weeks ahead people go back into passivity. So in Zechariah 4:6 The Lord told Zerubabel it was not by his might nor by his power. Zerubabel together with the people of God had laid the foundation of the temple. Today we are His temple. We are being built by Him. Any thing that comes from the flesh will only last for a season. How do you know it's from the flesh? When your words, thoughts, actions are not directed towards Him. You seek to work for Him but in truth you are seeking your own honour. So in Zechariah 4:9 The Lord says to Zerubabel, boy you have laid this foundation through my guidance. I'm not going to leave you clueless. We'll accomplish this together. You have to learn to start with Him and trust Him every moment to lead you. Whatever God Himself plants, He harvests. May you receive the grace of a finisher. May you not burn out along the way. His children are conquerors.
Glory To Jesus