Psalm 51:17 King James Version (KJV) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. To teach the people of God to offer the sacrifices of brokeness and contriteness, equiping ourselves daily through prayer and the word as we await The Lord's coming
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Every sheep is supposed to have a shepherd. Every sheep hears the voice
of its shepherd. A shepherd cannot shepherd every sheep likewise a sheep
cannot be shepherd ed by any shepherd. In the natural
climatic,geographic,environmental condition may determine where a sheep
may be. An exotic sheep may not thrive well in Ghana. God has planned it
the same way in His kingdom. Every good shepherd desires to tend a
flock but only those that are his will follow him. If a shepherd shep...herds
another shepherd's sheep he may be frustrated. The problem is not from
him or the sheep. There is a mix match. If you are shepherd (a pastor,
or one who leads people) you will understand this better. You may love a
sheep, have a good desire to tend it but you realise you end up
frustrated and disappointed. Don't try to convince or lure such a sheep.
Pray he finds the right shepherd. The one who owns every sheep is The
Lord Jesus Christ. He is the chief shepherd. Shepherd, delight in the
flock The Lord has given you. Those who are yours will hear your voice.
Few years ago The Lord used a brother to teach me this. Since then I've
been at peace. Your true sheep will hear your voice.
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