Friday 25 October 2013


Exodus 2:18-19

When they came to Reuel their father, he said, How is it that you have come so soon today?
And they said an Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds and he also drew enough water for us and watered the flock.

Moses was born as a Hebrew but raised up in the house of Pharaoh. He had a hebrew blood but the countenance of an Egyptian. Though he realised he was a hebrew yet his own people did not believe him. Even in the land of Midian, the daughters of Jethro couldnt recognise him.
What was so peculiar about his identity. God had to reaffirm the covenant with His people. The Egyptian tag had to be taken of Moses. Pharaoh had to know who he was and who had sent him.

After the burning bush experience Moses' life changed forever. He encountered God personally and it changed his whole mentality.

When he returned to Pharaoh he was no longer refered to as The Egyptian. He was known as the messenger of The Lord. His own people recognised him as their own. He was seen as a partaker of The Abrahamic covenant.

Prior to his departure to Midian, he had blood stains. He was a murderer and had the smell of an Egyptian but when he experienced God his assignment and direction changed. It looked like some how he was comfortable in the appearance of an Egyptian. The Egyptians ruled the world now. Though he was no longer in Egypt but he had something of Egypt in him.

Like Moses many of us put on The Egyptian countenance for our comfort. Until we encounter God on a higher level we will continue to wrap ourselves in Egyptian clothes, appear like an Egyptian and think like an Egyptian. God is calling us to liberate His people from bondage but we must first go down on our knees and seek Him. We must allow Him to change The Egyptian countenance. When we finally yield to Him authority will be granted.
The people of Israel knew the authority of Moses. God worked great signs and wonders through him. His own people would have rejected him if he still had the same countenance they saw in him 40years back. We always need to be trained if we are to lead. Authority matters in leading God's people. God's people will also look out for our annointing.

Like The Israelites many sought after signs to believe. Many didnt have genuine faith. The miracles was an attestation of God's presence with Moses.

In our time many churches are lifeless because there is no power of God. The sheep are crying for a Moses. Let us continue seeking, submitting to The Lord and wait for His glory patiently. It took the Jews 40 years to recognise Moses.

Glory To Jesus

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