Wednesday 1 October 2014


We are to examine our lives frequently. We are to examine our speech,actions,deeds. Do our conversations impart grace to the hearers or is it accusatory? Is our language clean or full of profanity? Are our actions borne out of pure motives and a clear conscience towards The Lord? Are our deeds borne out of love or hypocrisy? Are we doing eye service or serving in sincerity? If we fall short we have to go back to the throne of grace and ask for the grace to live right. If we doing well we still need to go to the throne of grace to abound in His grace. If we are not passing our test we should surrender the area of weakness to our Father.
We are God's house, His building.

In the physical when we see cracks in our building we fix it. One time The Lord took me in a vision outside my house and began to use this illustration to teach me. In the vision He showed me cracks and other unfinished works. Later I saw tools applied on the building to put it in a good condition.

1 Corinthians 3:9
For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field,you are God's building.

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