Saturday, 2 March 2013


If one was told that all the banks in the world will collapse in the next two months he will withdraw all his money and will start investing in other businesses to survive during the dark and difficult days. If one was told that yahoo will be closed down in two weeks he will try and retrieve all his relevant files and keep it in his folder so that none will be lost.
What about God? How many of us are seeing the signs around us? How many are listening to His voice? How many of us have been preparing for the dark and difficult days? How many of us are filling our spiritual lamps with enough oil so that our lights will shine in the difficult and dark days?  Men tend to believe the world and its systems more than the word of God. Men seem to love the systems of the world though it oppresses them and demands more than they can give.

1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things]—these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself].
17 And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides (remains) forever.

 If you asked many people what they intend to do with a $1000 they will give you so many answers which will thrill you. Men have excellent ideas in sports, business, education. How about the salvation of many? Many of God’s people do not bother about their salvation. Many do not even bother where they will spend eternity. Eternity rarely crosses the mind of some believers.

 Philippians 2:12
 Therefore, my dear ones, as you have always obeyed [my suggestions], so now, not only [with the enthusiasm you would show] in my presence but much more because I am absent, work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, [a]with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).

What is it to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling? Is it going to church every Sunday and sing the nicest hymns just to ease the stress carried from the week? Is it having a high recommendation from your pastor? Is it speaking the gospel with cleverness of speech? None of these put us in a right standing with The Lord. Many gamble salvation.  Salvation is not like game of chess which you can turn in your  favour  through manipulation. Many of God’s people try to operate in God’s kingdom with the mentality of the world. God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

There are two systems that rule the world currently. The first system is the Egyptian and the second is the Babylonian. How does the Egyptian system work? When the people of Israel settled in Egypt (Goshen) Genesis 46, Egypt looked like a fortress. It looked like a settlement of eternal bliss. As the years passed by Israel began to see the cruelty of Egypt. They were over tasked and their hearts became bitter. When God gave them a deliverer in the person of Moses they rebelled against Him by disdaining Moses. Like the people of Israel many of God’s people still prefer to eat bread of sorrows in Egypt than to pursue the Promised Land. They prefer to remain in their addictions than to go through God’s purifying fire. Egypt in our era lures us into sports, money, fashion, music only to make us more miserable.

The Egyptian system looks flexible from afar but it becomes more rigid as one falls into it. Pharaoh will always arise and oppress people. He will steal the joy of people when they are supposed to walk in liberty. Many of God’s people always find themselves going back to the Egyptian rule after they have been delivered. Egypt does not allow grace. It is all about working as a puppet just to bring back their horses and chariots to tie you down. All this system does is to exploit you just to promote its agenda.

Does the Babylonian system better our lives? This system is quite different from the Egyptian system. It allows a level of grace but under their  own terms. In Daniel 1:1-21 when the people of Israel were taken into exile there was found among the Jews some noble men who were fit to run the affairs of this system. When Daniel and his three friends were taken into exile they were offered the king’s delicacies. It was a way of turning the young men’s hearts away from their God. It was also a plan to cut off their roots. If Daniel had partaken of this He would have died spiritually thus dulling his discernment and nullifying His God given agenda.

The four Hebrew boys were offered Babylonian education just to make them smart and fit into this system perfectly. The Babylonian system unlike the Egyptian system is more cunning. One needs to always stay awake or he will fall into it. One needs to be well skilled or he will be defeated mentally. How can we overcome the Babylonian system in our lives? We need to be skilled soldiers discerning at all times and attacking through prayer and the word.

How does Babylon work in our era? It offers us a wide variety of options to choose from. The system of Babylon teachers us to kowtow to their terms and policies then they will offer us what we want. The strategy of Babylon is aimed at cutting us from God. The illuminati is an epitome of the Babylonian system.  Many of God’s people have fallen deep into this system. This system will promise many that they are educating on sex only to trap people with nudity and and obscene language. Babylon teaches us that we don’t need God and we can do everything on our own. Demons feel good operating in this system because they are able to deceive and manipulate people easily even God’s own people. The churches entertain what they call hip hop gospel. Back in my country Ghana I leant they call a dance Christ Zonto. Many of God’s people are flirting with this system. On Sundays they will advertise sports all around just to get people out of churches and cheer on their teams. They are stealing the word of God from the hearts of his people. They are stealing His glory and many of His people have joined hands to fight Him.

Christian women are even caught in this madness. Many will dress licentiously and justify their sins. It’s sad to see women dressed like harlots in the house of God. What does the scripture say? Isn’t His house supposed to be a house of prayer? Why are many trading in His temple? Why are many causing others to fall? Why are many teaching others to play the harlot? Remember He is a God of retribution. He will clean up the mess in His temple. He is a great king and a dread to sinners.
The Egyptian and Babylonian system operate differently but they all enslave one way or the other. The coming days will be darker and the pleasures of Egypt and Babylon will be more enticing. Ask for His eye salve so that you can see the deception. Stay strong in prayer. Do not fall for the flattery of the world. Do not put your trust in your politicians with the hope that they will improve your life. Let us be a people who separate ourselves unto holiness. Let us focus on The Lord through prayer and He will keep us from the corruption of the world.
                                                                   Glory To Jesus

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