Wednesday, 15 May 2013


The disciples of Jesus asked Him will there be any who will be saved? Jesus replied what is impossible with men is possible with God. The disciples of Jesus had been stunned by Jesus' teaching on the narrow road. Only few find it though many try to look for it yet they miss it. They look for it their own way. Many Christians have been made to believe that it is only unbelievers who have lost their way. Well is true but its just a side of the coin.
How about Christians? Many are not finding the way either because they have double standards. They think as their minds lead them. It is not about reciting the sinner's prayer. What about the new life? Are many living the new life? Are many confessing and repenting daily.

What did Jesus say? He said strive to enter the narrow gate. Its like a race. If you dont run with urgency you cant achieve anything. In my sober moments I tell God how difficult it is to make it to heaven but I'm not discouraged once I'm still alive.
The kingdom of heaven is a holy place and only the holy will enter there. We may have an external form of piety. We may not commit the so called lewd acts but what about our hearts. Sins like envy and lust cannot be seen by others. Sins of presumption are neither known to others. All these stain our garment. Sometimes our sins are so many that we don't know what to do. When we confess one sin, another pops up in the mind. Our sins can be numerous. Sometimes our sins makes us feel like throwing in the towel. Sometimes we ask questions like is there any who can be blameless before Him?

Yes, He has made a way out for us. God has made provision for our sins. If we acknowledge our sins, confess and forsake our sins He forgives us of all our sins and His blood washes us. Our circumstance can be likened to the parable of the servant who owed the king 10000 denari ($10million). He had no option than to cry to the king for mercy. Sometimes that's how much our sins are worth. Its so heavy that we cant help ourselves. The only option available to us is to humble ourselves and ask for His mercy. Lets assume this guy was charged for adultery, murder,gossip,cheating,lying,arrogance,slander,idolatry. It was just too much for him to bear. He was guilty before the king. Jail was his next destination. He sought mercy and the king forgave him all his debts. We all know what he did afterwards. That's a story for another day.
Sometimes when we appear before God we realise there is so much to confess and we don't even know where to start. We should humble ourselves and confess bit by bit. He really forgives. It is His nature to pardon iniquity.

Every day the road gets narrower. Many have so much baggage(sin) thus they cant continue their journey. Be humble, lay the luggage at His feet and walk the narrow path. If you want to know how well you are travelling on the narrow road check how you recover when you fall into sin. If you keep falling back into the sin same then probably your walk was not steady. You didnt have enough fuel to travel.

In late 2011 I had a dream about the two gates of eternity. First I stood before a narrow gate. Only few could enter. It was difficult to enter. If one tried out of his volition it was shut on him.
Secondly I saw the broad gate. It was so easy to enter. I went into it. As I entered I descended. I saw a woman who was in so much discomfort. She needed help. Later I was given understanding that for one to enter that narrow gate he needed to be purged.
This is the truth friends. If we want to enter heaven we need to be washed clean. We need to be transparent. Many Christians miss heaven due to petty sins.

I had another vision of the narrow gate. It was a bit similar to the parable in Matt 22:1-13. I saw people entering a place like the ticketing boot of a stadium. People were entering freely. Then I saw one guy in white shirt also enter. As he entered he was thrown out. Although his shirt was white he wasnt well dressed. He didnt meet the requirements.
As Christians we are not to think as we like. The road to life is indeed narrow. We should be conscious of eternity. We shouldn't overlook the so called little sins in our lives. About two months ago God brought certain sins to my attention which many of us ignore. The Lord once made me warn someone that if she continued in gossip she will miss His kingdom. Here are some of the sins He drew my attention to

1. Careless speeches(evil speaking of others,gossip,sharing,listening and laughing at foolish jokes)

2. Examination malpractice(cheating)

3.Lateness to work. Working lesser hours but receiving more wages (unfaithness and cheating)

4. Lateness to church

5. Prayerlessness

6. Unfulfilled promises to God and neighbors ( making promises but never fulfilling them)

7. Laziness and procrastination

8. Unfaithfulness in witnessing to the lost

9. Neglecting the poor on the street

10. Impatience and intolerance. ( trying to impose your will on others)

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