Monday, 10 February 2014


The systems of our entire globe is virtually run by the world from the
political,social and all you can think of. One way or the other we use
the tools of the world in various ways. Many organizations in the world
are run by people of the world. The big question is how do we live in
the world since we are surrounded by the systems of the world?

We can relate our situation to Daniel in the kingdom of Babylon and
Joseph in Egypt. These men were saints of old who found themselves in a
system akin to ours. Daniel was in exile in Babylon. He saw the might of
Nebuchadnezzar. He saw the riches of Babylon but that didn't deter him
from following God wholeheartedly. He was promoted to a higher seat but
he still stuck to his faith. He had known God on a personal level. He
knew his reign in Babylon was just a transition.

Let us look at Joseph. His life was similar to Daniel's. Sold into
slavery, later rising to a position of a prime minister. Joseph also
lived among people who were worshiping false gods but he perfectly
executed his duty as a prime minister. Pharaoh and Egypt can be likened
to the world and its systems. Joseph as a prime minister can be likened
to any believer who has been put in charge of any of the reputable
organizations in the world owned by an unbeliever. His role could also
be managing the agricultural system,judicial,economic,sports and so on
and so forth. Joseph finds himself in a similar situation. He lives
among people mostly reprobate. He has been given the mandate to manage
such a system.

Genesis 41:35-36
And let them gather all the food of those good years that are coming,
and store up grain under the authority of Pharaoh, and let them keep
food in the cities.
Then that food shall be as a reserve for the land for the seven years of
famine which shall be in the land of Egypt, that the land may not
perish during the famine.

Pharaoh had a dream about the future and Joseph interprets the dream to
him. The first seven years will be years of plenty and the remaining
seven years will be full of famine. The current situation of our globe
can be likened to the end of a sweet 7years. We are gradually entering
in the dark and difficult days. We are gradually stepping into the
spiritual and physical famines of the earth.
In such a situation what do we do? Will we still sit down and cross our
hands hoping things will get better? Will we continue to blame our
governments though the vision has been revealed to us?

Every passing generation need a Joseph and a Daniel to preserve God's
people during difficult and dark days. It is during moments like this
that God can preserve His children He can trust to take charge of the
systems of the world. Is it the world that God is interested in? He
wants His glory to be seen among the heathen. He wants His righteousness
to be known, His wisdom to overwhelm the world perhaps like
Nebuchadnezzar, the world will be humbled enough to praise The God of
Joseph and Daniel.

In a dispensation like this where are our judicial systems are not
exercising justice one may ask what role will a believer play if he is
in the helm of affairs? Conspicuously the system may be suffering from a
break down but we should understand that God rules the affairs of men.
He can appoint any of His children to bring sanity through His wisdom
and excellence.

In spite of the glory and honour Joseph and Daniel had they had one
thing in mind.

Genesis 50:24-25
And Joseph said to his brethren, I am going; but God will surely visit
you, and bring you out of this land to the land of which He swore to
Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob.
Then Joseph took an oath from the children saying surely God will visit
you and you shall carry my bones from here.

Joseph had been successful in Egypt but that didn't change him into an
Egyptian. Even at the point of death he looked up to a legitimate
inheritance. God had used him mightily in Egypt but his heart was in the
promise God had made to his fathers. That was where his true treasure
was . He instructed his bones be carried along on
the day God visits his people so in essence he didn't want any thing of his
to remain in Egypt. He wanted to part with Egypt forever.

Daniel 12:13
But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest and will arise to
your inheritance at the end of the days.

Daniel was also promised of an inheritance in the resurrection. We may
find ourselves in the situation of these two saints. We should have the
same mind as they had. They had fame,honour and glory but they looked
beyond that. They were involved in the day to day affairs of these two
systems but they were not caught up in its obsession. They knew there
was always a demarcating line so they jealously guarded their hearts. We
have to know how we ought to live in this world. If we can stay closer
to God daily and be rooted in His love there wouldn't be a need to
fear the schemes of this world.

                                 Glory To Jesus

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