Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Last night I fornicated. I came home feeling very convicted. I cried before God from the depth of my heart. I repented with my whole heart. i sought redemption in the blood of Jesus. I woke up this morning, went to town, saw ladies dressed licentiously and I felt the urge to go back into sin. I say to myself what!!!! why am I my still feeling the pull of sin? Did I not repent? Have the demons of immorality resurfaced? Did God not forgive me? Gradually I felt the power of sin in my members prevailing. It looked like a lost battle. Thoughts started running through my mind. My imaginations started going wild. I cried out to God but it seemed I couldn't overcome the urges. Am I paying for the sin I committed?This is a likely scenario for those who are under the power of sin. They mean it, they genuinely confessed and repented but the next moment temptation comes their way they feel all is lost. They feel they were not sincere.

Romans 7:22-2322For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

Galatians 5; 17For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

The scripture doesn't mention demons here or demonic influence. I believe in demonic oppression of a soul especially in situations where one is strongly under the influence of sin, has lost self control. This war in our members is a day to day situation we face. If I asked you if you feel the pull of sin you will definitely answer in the affirmative. If I asked further do you desire to worship God in liberty of soul and spirit you will give me the same response. So here, there is a soul who longs to live right before God, who hates his sin, who hates the pull of sin but is under the bondage of it. He is conscious of the law at work in his. It is all about consciousness. He feels it, he feels the inclination, his flesh says so.Further, if I mentioned if you are aware you have been liberated from sin your jaws might go ajar. You will ask how? Well it is written in the bible.

Romans 8;2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

It may look unreal to you right. Then why am I still under the bondage of sin? Why do I still feel the pull of sin you will ask? Like I said before, knowledge comes with consciousness. I believe we all battle with this at some point in our lives. The pull of sin looks real to us more than our liberty. We feel we are indebted to our flesh. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ works this way. You believed in the sin of law and death. You felt its pull. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is also another law. The law of the Spirit is lived by faith. We don't see it. We may not feel it but we believe it because God said so. As we believe, we yield to that law. Day after day it becomes real to us. Once in a while our flesh may drag us. We should remember our fallen nature which was crucified with Christ is an enemy. It's hungry, it's destructive. If the conditions are met it's craving willincrease in us. So we then every day we live with this consciousness of our found liberty, we confess it.

Secondly, we should understand the law that wars in our members is not spiritually friendly. It's like the world and the kingdom of God. Whatever God does to the world it will not be kingdom friendly. The Son of God did not come to give aid to the Adamic nature. He came to create a people of His own brand. No matter what we do to our flesh, it wouldn't improve. So now it's a war between our human spirit which is supposed to be chaired by God's Spirit against the laws of our members which comes from the Adamic nature. The one whom we yield to rules. If sin comes knocking and we lean on the power of self to overcome, we will fall again. We may wonder why? We may tell God " God, you know I did all in my capacity to stand but I just couldn't resist that temptation". Like Apostle Paul said, nothing good dwells in the flesh. It's strength, might and success is just not enough to aid us to overcome. After man's fall, no attempt of man to overcome sin on his own prevailed. The flesh is weak so is it's will power.

If we live each day with this consciousness that the Spirit of God gives us the inner strength to resist and overcome sin despite all our flesh tells us at that moment we will live a victorious life. The war will go on and on till rapture. Day in day out we will be presented with a choice. A person you perceive not to be in your class abuses you verbally. Naturally you feel the pull to give it back to him. Within, a gentle voice calms you down advising you not to say anything. It may not make sense to you. You may feel less human at that moment but as you yield to The Spirit of God, you are strengthened. You grow in grace and you overcome by the day as you learn to yield to Him. Most of the sins we fall to are as a result of desiring our own way. The Spirit of God never leaves us in trying moments. He is always there to give us direction and comfort. He is always there to remind us son or daughter give that over to Me, you can't do that. In conclusion we should know it's not about how we feel under tempting moments but the One we lean on to keep us safe in such moments.

                                              Glory To Jesus

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