Monday, 29 July 2013


A man had a field that was bushy and full of rodents. The land was very fertile but the owner did not know. One day a Samaritan offered to clear the field. He went further by fencing the field.
The owner impressed by the Samaritan's charitable deed gave out the land to his new friend to keep it. Years passed and the land became very fruitful. It yielded all kinds of crops and the owner made high returns.
Being fascinated by the transformation on the land he decided to invite his friends from time to time to share in his joy. The Samaritan became displeased with his friend's action so he warned him because he sensed danger ahead.

After several cautions the owner became irritated by his friend's constant warning so he decided to kick him out. As time went by he realised the field was getting bushy. The rodents also found their way back to the field. His friends also squandered all the income he had made. They left him in his wretched state.
The man being full of pride decided not to find the where about of the Samaritan to render an apology and seek his assistance. He decided to use his own strength and intelligence to recultivate the land.

One day as he was working he got exhausted so he decided to take some rest. Little did he know that there were vipers around. He was bitten and he eventually died in his sleep.

Proverbs 4:23 (Amp) Keep {and} guard your heart with all vigilance { and| above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.

What is the meaning of this parable? The human heart in its natural state is like a bushy field with rodents. Nothing good dwells in an unregenerated heart but when The Holy Spirit enters the heart He cleans the heart and consistently prunes our hearts and keeps it in the best shape.

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked; Who can know it?

If one decides to fully surrender his heart to Him after experiencing the joy of salvation growth becomes speedy. We grow in grace and truth as He teaches us more about Himself. We will start experiencing levels of fruitfulness in our walk as believers.
How about our ex lovers (the world). Does the world completely leave our ranks when we believe? No our ex-lovers will keep on chasing us. The world will entice us in many ways but it is up to us to choose. We can choose to grow in grace or we can choose to abort spiritual growth by showing off our spiritual prowess rather than walking in humility and giving Him glory.

If we choose the latter we are likely to fall for the world again but even with that God gives us grace by convicting us daily but sadly some quench The Spirit by sinning without repenting. The Holy Spirit has a personality and His keeping power in us which is like fire can be put out through our own actions.

What are you opening your heart to? Few days back some friends asked me if a Christian can be possesed by demons? The answer is yes. If you quench The Spirit's keeping power in you, you will lust after the world and sin will begin to grow in your heart. If sin grows in your heart you will invite demons to have a field day.

When demons repossess a person God still puts a desire in the heart of the individual to seek Him but sadly many choose to reject help from above and use strength.
God always require us to be broken. It is His desire to save us but He can't work with the proud.

When God rejected Saul as a king He still had compassion for him. He wanted him to repent sincerely from his heart but what was Saul's action. He rather went chasing mediums instead of crying and repenting on his knees.

1 Samuel 28:19
Moreover, the Lord will also give Israel with you into the hands of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me among the dead. The Lord also will give the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines.

Who are the Philistines? They are our fierce enemies. Many Christians will not fight physical enemies today. The Philistines are the demons. They are waiting for the rebellious to sting. If our sins are not backed by consistent repentance we will leave God no other choice but to hand us over the demons.

Romans 1:28
And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or approve of Him or consider Him worth the knowing, God gave them over to a base and condemned mind to do things not proper or decent but loathsome.

The sheep without a shepherd always goes astray and the devil lurks around hoping for an opportune time to devour.
May we be people who keep on running back to Him anytime we fall short of His glory.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to sinners), that we may receive mercy for our failures and find grace to help in good time for every need appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it.

1 Thessalonians 5:19
Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the [Holy] Spirit;

                                                                       Glory To Jesus


Many of us want to experience the glory of God in our lives.Many of us want to experience His presence. Many of us want our prayers to be answered. Many of us want divine favor. Many of us want to experience the supernatural but how many of us are carrying out specific instructions from Him? How many of us are building His kingdom with urgency? How many of us are making our plans secondary by carrying out His first?
God will visit us on different occasions to instruct us to carry out His will but often most us play Ananias and Sapphira. We give Him what we don't cherish and keep that which suits us. God wants us to execute His instructions with reverence.
Why are many of His promises not working in our lives? Why are our hands not healing the sick? Why is the world overcoming many of His people? Why are many still starving and thirsting spiritually?
The only answer is we are not obeying fully. To have faith is to obey. If our obedience is not full then we will be lacking. We will only see a shadow of His glory like the Israelites at mount Sinai because they were not equipped to face Him. He is faithful. That is His name. Faithfulness is His nature. If we play our part He will also do His.

Exodus 39:42-43
42 According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work.
43 And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.

Exodus 40:34-38
34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
35 And Moses was notable to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
36 And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys:
37 But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.
38 For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.

Exodus 26:30
30 And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the mountain

God instructed the Israelites through Moses to build a tabernacle. He gave specific materials to build the tabernacle. As I was studying this scripture I was wondering why God allowed them to provide materials like goat hair and acacia wood. All these were shadows of what was to come in the new covenant. Now we are the tabernacle/temple and our service to Him provides materials that build us up daily.

God’s commandments may not make sense to us sometimes but we ought to obey. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac I believe it didn’t make sense to him but he still obeyed God. Now Abraham is a living testimony. The people of Israel had left Egypt and they were still in the wilderness. God wanted to relate to His people so He instructed the tabernacle to be built. The tabernacle served as a place of worship and sacrifices. They were led by the glory of The Lord that rested on the tabernacle day and night.
The glory of the tabernacle also signified His power. When the tabernacle was completed Moses could not enter due to the glory of The Lord. In our time we are the tabernacle. He is living in us. The materials provided for the building of the tabernacle is our life. If our lives conform to His will we provide spiritual materials that builds us.

1Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

What materials are we providing as a new testament tabernacle? Are we worshiping The Lord in spirit and in truth? Are our lives pleasing Him daily? When we live holy lives through obedience and faithfulness to Him we become that special tabernacle. As we become that specific tabernacle His glory rest on us. We will begin to experience unusual miracles. We will be a terror to the demons because His glory upon us will terrify the demons as it did to the enemies of The Israelites. It is not about our own form of worship. Scripture says we are to present spiritual sacrifices.What are the spiritual sacrifices?

They are our thanksgiving, our praise, our obedience and faithfulness to Him, our total love and dedication for Him. These are the materials that build the new testament tabernacle that  will please Him.
At every stage He will come and check on the tabernacle to see if it is well kept. As the tabernacle is kept  pure through holy living His glory will continue to rest on us. We will be unique people. We will do the greater works that He promised to those who believe.
                                                                                                    Glory To Jesus


On October  22nd ,2012, I read in one of the newspapers that Evander Holyfied (former 5 time world heavy weight champ) had run bankrupt after all that he had achieved in his career as a boxer. I saw a picture of his mansion which fascinated me. Naturally I’m not materialistic butI knew God was teaching me something. He had 109 rooms in that mansion. He had excess rooms that could house all his 11 children and his ex-wives but due to bankruptcy the house had to be sold. He had to spend millions a year to maintain that house.

 Jesus said in my Father's house there are many mansions. Jesus meant there are countless mansions in heaven. Jesus told us to lay up treasures in heaven where thieves and moth cannot destroy. After achieving so much in life, Evander Holyfied cannot maintain what he has acquired. Jesus is able to do far more than we can imagine or think or ask. Anything done for God's glory earns a reward in heaven. Jesus has been teaching me that the little acts which we consider as nothing is revered in heaven.

Remember the widow who gave her last coin. Are you so concerned with the things of the earth or you are looking for a continuing city? Abraham was very rich yet he chose to dwell in a tent.Abraham could have built a sky scrapper but he foresaw his inheritance in heaven. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying don't acquire property on earth. I'm saying use your resources to glorify Jesus. Everything that gives Jesus glory gladdens the heart of the Father. When you thank Jesus out of a cheerful heart it becomes tangible in the spirit. I don't know about you but since Jesus taught me this my mindset about heaven has changed. I sincerely desire to make it to my Father's house and I don't want to go to heaven and inherit just 2 bedrooms and a small kitchen.

 If Evander Holyfield could acquire 109 rooms then how much more the children of the kingdom. Jesus said it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. God remembers every act of love done for His sake. You can accumulate as much wealth in heaven. We have to love Jesus and pursue what He stands for. Can you imagine a mansion built with gold,diamond,topaz, gems, precious stones? Jesus wants to give us a nice treat.Anything we do on earth must be done out of love. If we are giving, we should give out of love.

You may be disappointed because people don't appreciate your kind deeds but I want to tell you that Jesus sees it and He appreciates it. You have a treasure in heaven. You may not have a good voice like mine but sing from your heart to Jesus. He loves your hoarse voice. You may have only $1 in your pocket during offering. Don't feel ashamed to give. Give it in faith and you will earn rewards in heaven. Jesus told me that there is more blessing in the areas neglected by many.

 Many neglect praying for others. Many neglect witnessing to the lost. If you are faithful in such areas you earn rewards in heaven. Jesus said what is highly esteemed by men is nothing to God. Jesus doesn't look at numbers. If He can find 5 sheep who are worshiping Him in truth and spirit He prefers that to a 10000 who are following Him religiously.Jesus also told me that above all we should look to Him not the rewards. If we focus on Him, He will help us to accumulate the treasures. He wants us to love Him.

Are you heavenly minded or you are still walking in your own will chasing the world as if it will remain forever? One day Jesus will shake the heavens and the earth. Everything material will not stand. Where is your heart? Is your heart and mind focused on Jesus or a better Ghana or whatever country you are coming from?
There is a city of bliss ahead of you. Heaven is for overcomers. Are you striving to be like Jesus or you are aiming to be like your favorite artist in the world? Few years back Ronaldinho was my idol but thank Jesus he is no more. Who do you want to be like? As for me I want to be more like My Father Jesus. I want to live for Him. Be heavenly minded. Lay up treasures in heaven. A poor Lazarus with sores on earth was a rich man in heaven. In the day of trouble your fat bank account can't save you. Seek to build Jesus' kingdom. Seek to bring glory to Him. Jesus loves us so much.

 Lastly, Jesus also taught me that if you want to love people you have to pray for them with all your heart. Naturally we sometimes have ill feelings towards others. AnytimeI find difficulty loving the "unloveable" I pray and practice love until that feeling goes away. Be encouraged. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Don't give up the journey half way.

Matthew 6: 19-21 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures, where neither moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

1 Peter 1:4 To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.

Hebrews 11: 16 But now they desire a better, that is a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

Hebrews 10: 35- 36 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.

Hebrews 6: 10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister.

John 14: 2 In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Luke 12: 32 Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

 Mark 12:41-44 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury,and many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites which makes a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them "Assuredly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.

 Matthew 10: 40-42 He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.

                                                                                                        Glory To Jesus


As I was confessing and repenting of my sins this morning, The Holy Spirit impressed something on me. If one is suffering from any ailment he will go to the hospital to be diagnosed and be prescribed to. The symptoms may give us a slight idea of our ailment but only a well trained doctor can diagnose rightly. Lets assume I wake up one morning and I begin to complain of severe headache and feverishness. I may end up concluding I have malaria but until I go to the hospital my claim cannot be justified.

I remember in 1998 I was 9 then I woke up one morning and my body temperature was very hot. I thought I had malaria so as usual I was given malaria drugs. My condition was worsening by the day so my mum took me to the hospital.
A series of test were conducted and I was diagnosed of typhoid fever. I had to be treated before I got well.
Sin brings all manner of trouble in our lives. When we sin and we do not repent immediately we subject ourselves under the yoke of sin so we eventually face the consequences. There is one doctor who heals us of our sins. His name is Jesus.
Sin brings darkness into our
hearts. Jesus is light. When we humble ourselves and come to Him, His light reveals our sins and His blood cleanses us from all sins.

1 John 1:7 But if we [really] are living (and) walking in the Light, as He(Himself) is in the Light, we have (true,unbroken) fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus(Christ) His Son cleanses(removes) us from all sin (and) guilt (keeps us cleansed from sin in all its forms and manifestations).

We should always run to Jesus when we fall short. If we wait for our sins to accumulate it will only harden our hearts and we wont hear His voice. Beloved wash thyself in the blood of Jesus daily and cleanse thyself from any filth.

On April 20th I was praying in the bus as I was travelling. I told God to apply His salve on my eyes.Revelations 3:18 Instantly I was taken to a theater in a vision. I saw The Lord wearing a doctor's coat. He held my eyes with a metal and He begun to operate on it. Anytime we pray to The Lord to cleanse us He really does though we do not always see it physically but He does. As I'm typing I feel His fire in my heart and my hands.
Daddy is cleansing and purifying me. Let us be quick to run to Doctor Jesus. He will cleanse us, prune us and give us more fruit to partake. The word of God in our hearts will transform us.
As we humble ourselves to be treated daily we will also bear more fruit.

What are you suffering from my friend? Is it pride,lust,greed,jealousy or any sin? Come to the hospital of Jesus. He will not only diagnose but He will also prescribe for you.
                                                                                         Glory To Jesus


Genesis 3:8(Amp)
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.


Every relationship demands an intimacy. A newly wedded couple want to spend time together in order to express their earnest desire. An old couple cannot be left out. Once in a while you find an 80+ couple hang around expressing their love in a profound way. One way or the other we want to love and be loved. We want to speak and be spoken to. We want to share our dreams with the people we love most. We want to express our fears to those we hold dear to our hearts. We were created to love. We were created to have companionship. That is the essence of marriage or relationships.

We always want our loved ones to respect us. We enjoy those moments when we are alone. That is when lovers are able to discover new things in their relationships. That is when many lovers find something new that can be inculcated in their relationships. Many couple have places where they can express their love best. For some it could be at picnics. Others after work at their parlor. Others too hang around at the beach. It is during such moments that new ideas crop us. Such moments also bring out the best in both.

Our relationship with God can be likened to our love life on earth. Genesis 3:8 gives as an idea of how God fellowshiped with our first parents Adam and Eve. The bible says He came to them in the "cool of the day". I presume that this was the best moment that God could get their attention. I am of the opinion that God came to fellowship with them often at this time of the day. God also loves to pursue a love relationship with us. The Holy Spirit also want to express His love to us. He wants us to know His concern. The Holy Spirit speaks to us every day. It is up to us to discern "our cool of the day". I have heard so many people saying they want to hear God's voice. I will say He speaks. We all do not hear His audible voice but He speaks. Jesus is our husband and He speaks to us as a husband speaks to his wife.

We have to know "our cool of the day". I receive a lot from Lord any time I am taking my bath. Many of the things I post on fb is received when I'm taking my bath. I've observed that is the best time God gets my full attention. That is 'my cool of the day". I do not always hear Him audibly but I am able to discern when He speaks. Sometimes it comes like an impression. We all have our cool of the day but it is up to us to carefully observe it.

I was talking to a sister last week and she told me that she receives a word from The Lord anytime she is washing utensils. God still speaks to us. We have to discern.
What is your cool of the day beloved? Discern for yourself. He has a lot to share with you. God is saying My son I have a lot to share with you. Will you give Me your attention? It is during these moments that we learn more of His ways and wisdom. It is during such periods that He reveals hidden sins.

Now the question is where is your cool of the day beloved?

                                                                           Glory To Jesus

Victory depends on your prayer life -Pastor Kim, Yong Do

(Luke 18:6-8) 6 Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. 7 Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?”                                                                                                

The demons have been experiencing and dealing with the human race for countless occasions since the beginning. And as a result, they have had the opportunity to observe our thinking, behavior, emotions and our will. They have thoroughly figured out the human race.

The demons already have a knowledge of how to make us angry, to doubt, to argue, to despair, to frustrate and they know how to make us fall into certain temptations. In fact, they can do it so very well.

The demons come to us with deceitful tactics as they attempt to trap and stumble the believers. They often instigate the different ethnicity  within countries to negatively simulate them. The demons also approach us by disguising themselves as unique cultures within countries.

As a matter of fact, Prayer is SPIRITUAL WALFARE!  “Will you have them steal what is yours? Or will you take back more than what is already yours?” It is serious warfare.

Dear brothers and sisters, you will have all stolen from you if you do not have spiritual power. Jesus always emphasized to continuously pray and not to be in despair. He commanded us to always be thankful, be joyful and pray unceasingly.

The moment we begin our prayer, the Spirit of God and His angels come to help our prayer. Because of our prayers, others will join us in prayer. Your prayer will spread and your actions will be influential.

When we complain of our circumstances and conditions, certain types of spirits will spread and influence those around us. We do not realize the importance and effectiveness of our tongue and words.

The bible states that we either bring blessings or curses according to our words.
Proverbs 18:21 (Amplified Bible) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]

But there are times when we might think God is not answering our prayers even though we are praying? There will come a time when your victory will materialize. Prayer will determine the definite timing of our victory.

There will be a time where your prayers will overflow as it has accumulated. At first, you may sense the attacks of the demons as powerful and strong but you will reach a certain point when you will feel the Power of God which is much stronger. Then suddenly, your circumstances and days will turn into an over flow of blessings. When this sudden change occurs, you must lower and humble yourself. You must also be very careful not to let your faith become complacent.

 If your faith or belief is not balanced, the blame is yours. We must give all of ourselves to prayer so that we may have victory. It does not matter how long it takes, whether one year, 10 years, or a life time, we must continuously pray.

From the above scripture of Luke, the widow continuously cried out to the unjust judge. This unjust judge kept ignoring her and this caused the widow to cry out in prayer. In 1 Samuel, Peninnah’s roll was to make Hannah bore a heart to pray and cry out.

When God allows certain situations or circumstances, this means God is squeezing you. The same concept applies when individuals face difficult issues. God wants us to come before Him to cry out with our problems and concerns. We must digest our issues with prayer. Hallelujah!

We must go through a process. We must learn the methods of praying and we must find out what God really desires from us. Within that process, we will develop and realize our inspiration, wisdom, and spiritual insight, and etc. The genuine faith of a person is determined through the depth and width of their trials and experiences.

When we face difficult situations, we will many times experience receiving no answers from God. But no response is an answer. A no response is also another form of an answer from God.

 Many times, God desires us to be totally wounded and broken. We must experience the consequences from our wounds and scars. But when this happens, please accept it with a positive attitude instead of a negative attitude. It is something like procuring gum from the gum tree (Eucalyptus) after we have lacerated a scar on the gum tree.

We must have ability to overcome these difficult circumstances. Then we will finally know the true nature of prayer, and essence of prayer. We will also gain the power to digest difficult problems. During the bigger trials, we will gain a larger quantity of faith while thanking God.

 During the time at my first newly established church located in the basement, I was trained by God as I experienced difficult circumstances. Moreover, God only sent me challenging people who were also experiencing their own personal difficult situations. These people were also experiencing their own unique handicaps. At that time, they were on my prayer list and I was filling up the quantity of my prayers.

 I was trained and disciplined through those challenging people. God created the circumstances where I could not run from it even though I wanted to. So the only way out for me was to overcome through prayer. When I prayed, I had firm belief that God will not fail to deliver me and to work all things out. I used to cry a lot. Even as I walked in the middle of the street, I cried. I cried from hunger and I cried because I did not have any members in my church.

During that time, God prevented me from running away from my situation. But even in the midst of that critical situation, the vision God had given me was gradually coming to the pass.

When Moses was in training, he never imagined that he would have the calling to take the Israelite out from Egypt. When Moses finally reached his old age, God called him. God had called him when he was 80 years old.

When God chose Judges in Israel, God chose His servants who were not qualified in our eyes as His servant.

Every time when I pray and when I preach, I change once more. The problems in me breaks. Whenever I pray and cry out to God, the problems within me such as humanism which tends to please people break into pieces.

Whenever I pray, God works. It is your free will to believe in God or not. BUT, only if you believe God in the ‘PROPER WAY’, God will begin to move. As you are in the wilderness or trial, God will say, ‘I am preparing good food to give you, so knowing that, endure a little more’.

If the demons within us do not leave, it means that we have problems to correct. The problems may be our personality, temperament, and/or our nature. To correct our problems, God will employ His methods to discipline and trains us using the demons.

We must be changed. Just live your life on the word of God as your foundation with a thankful heart serving God and people with a positive mind. You will see restoration not knowing when it even had began.

When you are in the wilderness, it may look like you are going totally under, it may look you have been trampled on. But actually you are the one trampling. When we pray, we must have resiliency. It is like when we throw a ball hard on the wall, it will go higher into the air. We must pray with that tenacity.

 In my wilderness, most of the time, I prayed in such a way, “God, we are all out of food, and we don’t have no money to pay our bills.” As I prayed such way, I usually cried (Poverty was so severe). Our prayer must be practical. When God answers our prayer, God will fill the areas that we require, but, of course,  in practicality.

 At first, our tribulation and discipline may look very heavy, but if you endure faithfully, in the end, the days of blessing will open up to you. This is the grace of God.

 We must always be spiritually on fire. But at the same time, we must have our heart open to all people with enough empathy and understanding toward them. Even when shaman or fortune tellers approach us, we must have the ability to naturally preach Jesus to them.

 Before we begin our prayer, God has already given us what He desires in our heart (What He desires now becomes our desire). When we pray, the process to receive our answers is already in process. Depending on the person’s quality of faith and quantity, the answer will come differently for those who pray without giving up and enduring to the end.

It is only natural that we will have people dropping out while they wait in prayer.
   God said, “So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly!”  What does “Quickly” means? This means, ‘Imagine that your prayer has been answered! I will soon answer!’
  Whenever you and I pray, we MUST believe that He will surely give justice to us by using spiritual authority.

What is spiritual authority? Whenever you pray and cry out to God, your guardian angels that are in charge of finance, the angels in charge of taking care of the sick, and etc will come around us. These angels and our prayer will become our shields. God activate spiritual authority by sowing our prayers with the angels.

When we BOLDLY PROCLAIM with OUR FAITH, the angels will move around actively. The guardian angel moves according to your word. This is God’s will.

But you still have to patiently wait upon God’s method and time. Because, He will answer your prayer when the time is most appropriate.

Ecclesiastes 7:14: “14In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider..”                                                                                                            

We must have more of a persistent mind then the unjust judge. We must have the mind to match and we must continuously cling on with persistency.

 You must also know how to handle rejection. We must know how to overcome even when we became the subject of people’s dispute. If our heart swiftly moves this and that way, how can God use us to advance His Kingdom? You must put everything down. If you desire to be used by God big time, you must put everything down.

In our church (The Lord’s church), the problems of all individuals are exposed and corrected. Whenever this occurs, we must be very thankful to God. We must pray, “Please help me fix all the problems within me”

 God does not use us because of our good personality. We must know how to overcome the unjust judge who is given to every individual. In order for us to be used by God, we have so much to overcome within us.

 We must learn to overcome so that our spirituality, faith and even our circumstances will be promoted. Think about how much that widow must have persistently harassed the unjust judge that he had to grant her answer. (she cried out DAY and NIGHT!).

We must know how to overcome embarrassment, being a laughing stock, being ridiculed etc. You must seriously face your mountains.

Do you still ponder in distress knowing the problems you have? You must keep praying even though the answer may not be quickly coming. This will make your prayer life stronger as you patiently wait in prayer.

In order to have victory, you must first accept that you have problems and acknowledge it. In order for you to take care of your problems specifically, you must first figure out your problems. We must properly know what our problems are. We must know for what reason we desire to have our prayers answered and the answer(s) we seek must be reasonable. In the physical, when people reject our requests, we must prepare ourselves and dig in to prepare for the long drawn war. Prayer itself is a long drawn war. Most of the times, the answers do not come promptly.

The widow described in the scripture was not in a hurry. You must pray day and night like as this widow prayed. Do not be in such a hurry. She had always gone before the judge day and night.We pray to resolve our problems but many of us ruin things for we are in so much in a hurry. We are so impatient at times.

 We must have a unique experience between God and you. What is the condition of getting our prayers answered? In Jeremiah 33:3 God said, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” When we pray, we must pray with all our heart by engraving this verse in our heart!

Do not be impatient when you pray.  You must constantly come before God. When we constantly go to the person to draw His attention, we will eventually obtain the person’s attention. The heart of the person will be opened as well. Heaven is for people who violently take it by force. Just cry out.

Heaven is like a mother who gives milk to babies that cry out. As you pray more and more, you will fill in the spaces and gaps. I pray that today, you will go before God and pray deeply with your heart. Amen.


Many of us come to Jesus with a childlike attitude. We live a life of humility at the initial stages of salvation but as we grow in grace
many begin to divert.

Many begin to see salvation as trivial.
They worship themselves. They will
rather preach about their
achievements in life than the cross of Christ.

Some will rather mount pulpits and build churches for fame rather than
glorifying Jesus through their
Ministry cannot substitute fellowship.
Wealth cannot substitute fellowship.

1Samuel 15:17
So Samuel said " When you were little
in your own eyes, were you not head
of the tribes of Israel? And did not The
LORD annoint you king over Israel?

Have you changed your spiritual
lense? Are you now magnifying your
achievements over the saving grace
of Jesus? Are you now magnifying
ministry over His saving grace? Are
you least bothered about pleasing
Him but rather pleasing people?

Many of us are building the tower of
Babel. All we do is to build our own
empires. We want our achievements
to be seen but God is not in our daily
activities. We love fame rather than
bringing Him glory.
We love mantles rather than
sackcloth. Many of God's people are
building the tower of Babel out of
pride and selfish ambitions.
The Lord is saying pause for a
moment. Do you remember where
you were and how far He has brought
Its not about building big churches.
Its not about driving the latest cars in
town. Neither is it about getting a job
with a fat salary. Have you changed
your spiritual lense? Has the kingdom
of God become trivial to you.
Pause for a moment.

Glory To Jesus


Isaiah 53:10a Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him.

Jesus was flogged,mocked,bruised and He bore our sins in His body. Before His death He said He was going to pull down the temple which was His body and build it up in 3 days. Isaiah said it pleased The Father to bruise Him. Why will The Father delight in such an act? At the point of crucifixion He became an offering for sin. He bore our sins in His body. So in essence His body had taken a corrupted form.

For the glory of Christ to be seen He had to be bruised with this body of sin which He carried on our behalf.

On the 3rd day the glory of the new temple was seen which was His glorified body after He had put the body of sin to death.
Now we are the temple that He dwells in and He is changing us more into His image. The Father has to take us through the work of crucifixion daily so we can rise together and become the glorified temple. He will continuosly bruise our flesh so that it will be put to death. He will bruise our pride by allowing difficult circumstances to teach us humility. He will bruise our impatience by allowing us to work with people who are extremely impatient.

Jacob had lived his early life as a supplanter. He had rid Esau of his birth rite and denied him of his father's blessings. All along Jacob thought he was the smartest guy but what became of him later in his adulthood?

God sent him to the house of Laban to break him and train him anew. Laban was a mirror to Jacob and he cast a magnified images of Jacob.
Jacob was a cheat but he met a stiffer opposition. His own son also slept with his concubine. The man whom he caused much sorrow became a terror to him. He had to send men ahead of him to pacify Esau.

In Jacob's old age Joseph the son after his heart was sold into slavery. God sent Joseph to Egypt to prepare a resting place for him after Jacob had been bruised enough. Now Jacob had taken a new dimension in life. He had learnt honesty. He had learnt patience. God gave him rest in Egypt after taking him through hard training at Canaan.

Many of us are being shown the mirrors in our lives one way or the other. The Lord is showing us our ugly nature through the people around us. Everyone thinks that boss is dumb. Everyone thinks that colleague is rude. Everyone thinks that husband is unfaithful. God is presenting our mirrors before us daily and many are cursing their ugly images instead of humbling themselves and repenting to dress up that ugly image.
Often God will raise up people of our kind and even worst so that we will be broken for Him to remold us. Why are many not seeing the ugliness of their heart through the offenses of others? Why are many blaming others but not recognising the evil traits they have in common. Human beings naturally like to find fault and push blame on others.

Few months back I had a friend getting so much on my nerves because he was always saying unpleasant words about me always criticizing at the slightest mistake. I will get upset with him and I will come home complaining about his character. Then one day as I was complaining about him The Lord revealed the condition of my heart to me in just a split second. I came to the understanding that he was a mirror and he was reflecting my ugly heart. I had to repent before The Lord.

Our mirrors will come in different forms. Some will reveal magnified images of our life. Our ugly side will constantly be bruised. As our flesh is crashed daily it will die and we will become that glorious temple.
Now we are His temple and He is building us daily. He is pulling down the merchandise tables. He is releasing the turtle doves in His temple. He is pulling down what does not belong there so that He can present a glorious temple on the third day which signifies readiness for His coming. He is adorning His temple for His coming. There will be tougher battles to fight. Our faith and obedience will be tested.

Not all will resurrect at His coming because they are so much alive to self and can't receive His life at the trumpet call. We must die more to ourselves then we will have His life fully when He comes. How can we say we are dead and our lives are hidden in Him when we can't even forgive offenses? How can we say our lives are hidden in Him when we lack the obedience to tithe faithfully? Are we dead to greed and the love for money? How can we say we are dead when we flirt with the world on His day? Many are quick to shout they are dead but how can you say your life is in Him when you pray occasionally? Is not about reciting. Its about understanding, believing and walking in it. Our faith must be alive through obedience and fruit bearing. When He appears He will come for those who allowed their flesh to be put to death.
                                        April 8,2013
                                                            Glory To Jesus


1 John 1:1-3
1 [We are writing] about the Word of Life [[a]in] Him Who existed from the beginning, Whom we have heard, Whom we have seen with our [own] eyes, Whom we have gazed upon [for ourselves] and have touched with our [own] hands.

2 And the Life [[b]an aspect of His being] was revealed (made manifest, demonstrated), and we saw [as eyewitnesses] and are testifying to and declare to you the Life, the eternal Life [[c]in Him] Who already existed with the Father and Who [actually] was made visible (was revealed) to us [His followers].

3 What we have seen and [ourselves] heard, we are also telling you, so that you too may [d]realize and enjoy fellowship as partners and partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have [which is a [e]distinguishing mark of Christians] is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

As we grow in our faith we should be able to testify of what we believe. I am not talking about what Jesus did for your neighbor. Neither am I talking about reciting Genesis to Revelation to show that we have arrived. If we testify of our faith it should be evidenced with fruit bearing and the power of God working in our lives not an "I used to be testimony".

If we are preaching behind the pulpits it shouldn't just be uttering words out of intellectualism like Paul said "not with enticing words". Paul was a learned man so he had mastery over the Torah. He knew the law as a Pharisee but he lacked revelational knowledge of it before his conversion. It is quiet easy for newly born again believers to maintain a positive confession because there is that initial fire but how many keep that zeal.

It is not about saying I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Do we really understand what we profess? In this scripture John was testifying about what he had learnt from Jesus when He was in the flesh as well as revelational knowledge of Him.

The more we grow in Him we will be tested but will we still maintain that confession or we will live by other people's testimony. The bible says we live by faith and not by sight. In other words faith transcends beyond the material. It has a substance spiritually that is why it comes into being.

As we grow in The Lord we should step out of fanaticism and rather become living testimonies. This is what we have been called to do. We have been called to testify of Him as He testified of The Father when He walked the earth. Jesus knew who The Father was but how many of us know Him? I am not talking about Jesus is "My Savior". Ask any scholar and he will testify that a man called Jesus once walked the earth and was crucified.

The question is do we testify of what we have really experienced or we are just punching above our weight living other people's testimonies. It is not about Pastor A- Z can pray for 1000 cripples to walk. Why are we so enthused about that but never hungry for the manifestation of His power in our lives. Many of us are genuinely saved but we have never experienced Him for ourselves. Many of us profess Jesus but we do not know His heart. This comes through intimacy with Him.

Few years ago during my rebellious days I was so intrigued about the manifestation of God's power in the life of many pastors but I never bothered to inquire further. Occasionally I will try to talk or preach like one of them but hey that was not God's purpose for me. It took intimacy in the closet before The Lord unlocked certain things that He had vested in me right from childhood. I have not arrived but there is this burden in my heart that spurs me on not to settle for spiritual mediocrity or live in the shadows of others.

We have been called to testify of The One who has saved us and our testimony must spread like fire. People should see His power working in us as the early church experienced. Its not about saying I am a Jesus freak. It is about living our lives as a living testimony. Last night The Holy Spirit told me something in my sleep. He said He wants to teach us about how He wants us to live by living through us.

Our lives must manifest His glory. Aren't you tired of living people's testimony. Last night my son in The Lord shared a wonderful testimony with me.
He told The Lord not to grant him a job until He gets to know Him in an intimate way. The Father answered his prayer. He is going for an interview today. My point is we should crave to know Him in an intimate way so that we can testify of Him as He wants and demonstrate His power to the world.

                                                                                     Glory To Jesus


Genesis 2:21-23(Nkjv)

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.
Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
And Adam said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man. 


Genesis 2:18 (Kjv)
And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him an help meet for him.
Many of us are familiar with the story of creation. We know how God formed Eve out of Adam. As I was meditating on this scripture Daddy gave me an insight of what the whole set up was about. Certain things took place before Eve was created.

If you read the preceding verse, God gave Adam the mandate to give names to all the animals He had created. This was a form of assignment given to Adam. After the assignment the bible says God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. The deep sleep represents spiritual rest.

Hebrews 4:10
For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.

This scripture can be viewed in two folds. I will only discuss what is relevant to this sermon. God knew it was not good for Adam to stay alone. The bible didnt mention how Adam felt but I assume also felt lonely. There was a missing link.After Adam had performed his first assignment, he entered into God's rest. It was the turn of God to work .Adam surrendered all to Daddy.He trusted Daddy subconsciously to give him his heart desire. Adam may not have expressly described what he wanted but He trusted God for the best.
As Adam was resting, Daddy formed Eve. Immediately he woke up from his sleep he knew by intuition that Eve came from him.

Further, he said "this is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." This statement by Adam signifies specifications. Eve was exactly what he expected though he had not expressed it or better put the bible did not state it. Adam entered God's rest. He lay down his own ambitions and trusted Daddy. Then came Eve. He trusted in God's timing as well.God gave him a help meet as it was stated earlier in Genesis 2:18. Now the game was on.
Adam and Eve had two divine mandates.

The first was to worship God through fellowshiping with Him and making a commitment to obey so they were forbidden to eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The second duty was the dominion mandate. The mandate of stewardship.

We can relate this to our lives in so many ways as Christians. It is in Daddy's books to give us the right spouse but it is up to us to be patient and trust in Him fully.
The man has his own responsibilities before marriage likewise the woman.The man has to take his rest in Daddy. The woman has to wait for Daddy to wake up her sleeping Adam. After we have done what Daddy wants us to do, He will wake our Adams from sleep and bring our Eves right before our eyes.

The world has set its own standards for marriage. Many ladies fret when they are not married at a particular age. For others they want people who are already living in affluence. Our society teaches us to experiment our bodies before marriage.

God's word is still true today. If we take our rest in Daddy through obedience and purity, He will grant us the desired spouse. I believe Christian marriages should be the best but it is not so in our generation. The people in the world even have better marriages. Why should it be so?

Often many people rush into marriage without Daddy's consent. Daddy desires to train us to be the desired spouse He desires. Marriage is not only about sex and children. Daddy unites the man and woman so that they will fulfill their divine calling together. At the end of the day Daddy desires the couple get a picture of how He wants to relate to us throughout eternity.

We will be married to Daddy eventually. Marriage is a preparatory ground for what awaits us in Heaven.
Let us take our rest in Daddy. His timing is the best. Age is just a number.

                Proverbs 18:22
Whoever finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the LORD.

                                                                 Glory To Jesus