I remember in 1998 I was 9 then I woke up one morning and my body temperature was very hot. I thought I had malaria so as usual I was given malaria drugs. My condition was worsening by the day so my mum took me to the hospital.
A series of test were conducted and I was diagnosed of typhoid fever. I had to be treated before I got well.
Sin brings all manner of trouble in our lives. When we sin and we do not repent immediately we subject ourselves under the yoke of sin so we eventually face the consequences. There is one doctor who heals us of our sins. His name is Jesus.
Sin brings darkness into our
hearts. Jesus is light. When we humble ourselves and come to Him, His light reveals our sins and His blood cleanses us from all sins.
1 John 1:7 But if we [really] are living (and) walking in the Light, as He(Himself) is in the Light, we have (true,unbroken) fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus(Christ) His Son cleanses(removes) us from all sin (and) guilt (keeps us cleansed from sin in all its forms and manifestations).
We should always run to Jesus when we fall short. If we wait for our sins to accumulate it will only harden our hearts and we wont hear His voice. Beloved wash thyself in the blood of Jesus daily and cleanse thyself from any filth.

On April 20th I was praying in the bus as I was travelling. I told God to apply His salve on my eyes.Revelations 3:18 Instantly I was taken to a theater in a vision. I saw The Lord wearing a doctor's coat. He held my eyes with a metal and He begun to operate on it. Anytime we pray to The Lord to cleanse us He really does though we do not always see it physically but He does. As I'm typing I feel His fire in my heart and my hands.
Daddy is cleansing and purifying me. Let us be quick to run to Doctor Jesus. He will cleanse us, prune us and give us more fruit to partake. The word of God in our hearts will transform us.
As we humble ourselves to be treated daily we will also bear more fruit.
What are you suffering from my friend? Is it pride,lust,greed,jealousy or any sin? Come to the hospital of Jesus. He will not only diagnose but He will also prescribe for you.
Glory To Jesus
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