And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

Every relationship demands an intimacy. A newly wedded couple want to spend time together in order to express their earnest desire. An old couple cannot be left out. Once in a while you find an 80+ couple hang around expressing their love in a profound way. One way or the other we want to love and be loved. We want to speak and be spoken to. We want to share our dreams with the people we love most. We want to express our fears to those we hold dear to our hearts. We were created to love. We were created to have companionship. That is the essence of marriage or relationships.
We always want our loved ones to respect us. We enjoy those moments when we are alone. That is when lovers are able to discover new things in their relationships. That is when many lovers find something new that can be inculcated in their relationships. Many couple have places where they can express their love best. For some it could be at picnics. Others after work at their parlor. Others too hang around at the beach. It is during such moments that new ideas crop us. Such moments also bring out the best in both.
Our relationship with God can be likened to our love life on earth. Genesis 3:8 gives as an idea of how God fellowshiped with our first parents Adam and Eve. The bible says He came to them in the "cool of the day". I presume that this was the best moment that God could get their attention. I am of the opinion that God came to fellowship with them often at this time of the day. God also loves to pursue a love relationship with us. The Holy Spirit also want to express His love to us. He wants us to know His concern. The Holy Spirit speaks to us every day. It is up to us to discern "our cool of the day". I have heard so many people saying they want to hear God's voice. I will say He speaks. We all do not hear His audible voice but He speaks. Jesus is our husband and He speaks to us as a husband speaks to his wife.
We have to know "our cool of the day". I receive a lot from Lord any time I am taking my bath. Many of the things I post on fb is received when I'm taking my bath. I've observed that is the best time God gets my full attention. That is 'my cool of the day". I do not always hear Him audibly but I am able to discern when He speaks. Sometimes it comes like an impression. We all have our cool of the day but it is up to us to carefully observe it.
I was talking to a sister last week and she told me that she receives a word from The Lord anytime she is washing utensils. God still speaks to us. We have to discern.
What is your cool of the day beloved? Discern for yourself. He has a lot to share with you. God is saying My son I have a lot to share with you. Will you give Me your attention? It is during these moments that we learn more of His ways and wisdom. It is during such periods that He reveals hidden sins.
Now the question is where is your cool of the day beloved?
Glory To Jesus
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