Friday, 23 May 2014


Deut 11:8-15 “Therefore, be careful to obey every command I am giving you today, so you may have strength to go in and take over the land you are about to enter. If you obey, you will enjoy a long life in the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors and to you, their descendants—a land flowing with milk and honey! 10 For the land you are about to enter and take over is not like the land of Egypt from which you came, where you planted your seed and made irrigation ditches with your foot as in a vegetable garden. 11 Rather, the land you will soon take over is a land of hills and valleys with plenty of rain— 12 a land that the Lord your God cares for. He watches over it through each season of the year! 13 “If you carefully obey all the commands I am giving you today, and if you love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart and soul, 14 then he will send the rains in their proper seasons—the early and late rains—so you can bring in your harvests of grain, new wine, and olive oil. 15 He will give you lush pastureland for your livestock, and you yourselves will have all you want to eat.

The Promise land represents the resurrected life of a Christian. When we first get saved, we must come to be filled with HIS Word and Spirit. In the wilderness, we must make a choice to carry our own crosses and crucify our flesh so that we may be prepared for the Promise land. It is during the wilderness walk, they were fed manna (Word) from heaven and water (SPIRIT) from the Rock.  

The Promise land is a land in which we are able to conquer the giants with our faith and be able to have a taste and experience the millennium kingdom. It is a season and life of blessing and favor. But in order to sustain our journey in the Promise land of blessings and favor, we must continue to fully obey His Word and commands. As scripture states, our strength comes from fully obeying HIM.

The story of Exodus from Egypt to the Promise land is a representation of salvation and the life of a believer. It illustrates the mistakes that a believer can make during their walk and the character of God in HIS Mercy, Grace, and Judgments. It illustrates the journey of a believer and how the multitudes can start out well but at the end, how many did not finish the race. In fact, many were judged and killed during their wilderness period.

Hebrews 3:
16-17 For who were they who heard and yet were rebellious and provoked [Him]? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses? 17 And with whom was He irritated and provoked and grieved for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose dismembered bodies were strewn and left in the desert?

Egypt represents the world, bondage, slavery, and its dependency on a system. A person can be first saved and come out of Egypt or it can represent a back slidden Christian coming out from sin and returning on the road with Christ. Once we are saved or once we return to Christ, we are placed in the wilderness. Even Jesus was placed in the wilderness by the Holy Spirit for testing before His ministry. We will all be placed in our own wildernesses for testing of our faith and to show what is in our hearts before God can use us.

The length of time we will spend in our own personal wildernesses will depend on our own choices whether we obey, grumble, or complain to God. But I believe God does not want us to spend a great deal of time in our own personal wilderness. I have recognized that those with more stubborn and hardden hearts will experience a longer wilderness until they submit and yield to the sovereignty of God. Many cry out for help but in reality, it is their own stubborn hearts that have led them to their difficulties. It is their blindness and usurping God's authority that prevents them from their breakthroughs and from entering the promise land.

In Verse 10, scripture says when we were in Egypt, "you planted your seed and made irrigation ditches with your foot as in a vegetable garden." In Egypt, it is where we are toiling physically by sight and not by faith. We are working within the system of the world and it is controlling and using us. We are on our own looking for jobs and resources. In the wilderness, God supplied His people and they never lacked and their shoes did not wear out. But those who complained were severely dealt with according to their sin. But once we pass our tests in the wilderness, we enter the promise land stage. The Promise Land is a stage in which we master, use, and control the system of the world and it does not master us. It is a place in which we are the lender and not the borrower. We are the head and not the tail However, sadly, many will not make it to the promise land stage as many in their wilderness have complained, grumbled, and rebelled against God. Many, even today, are judged and struck down by God in their wilderness period. 

After we pass our tests and at His Time, we then are prepared to go over the spiritual Jordan River. The other side of the Jordan River is the Promise Land. But the Promise Land is occupied by Satan and his demons, curses, spells, and witchcraft. Yes, it is our Land! The devil has stolen what belongs to us. The earth belongs to us!

In the Promise Land, we live by faith. Our provisions are now granted by faith and His Grace. Unlike Egypt, we will no longer have to toil, planting our seed, making irrigation ditches. Rather, the Promise Land is a land of hills and valleys with plenty of rain. The Spiritual Promise land is a land that the Lord our God cares for. HE watches over it through each season of the year. HE will be supplying all our needs. It will be a place and season in which our cups will be overflowing.

The current war is no longer by flesh or blood but it is spiritual and against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. In order for Joshua and God's people to take Jericho, they had to march around once each day for seven days and then seven times on the seventh day. On the last march, they shouted and the walls came tumbling down. Today, our marching is represented with prayer. We must accumulate our prayers to an appointed time until the walls around our hearts come tumbling down. The spoils of Jericho belonged to God. You must be the living sacrifice totally committed to HIM. After Jericho, the spoils belonged to the people. Nevertheless, we must continue to pray as we march to the next enemy to conquer. 

The Promise Land is about conquering for we are more than conquerors in Christ. As we continue to take the Land, we will gain in our spiritual and physical prosperity. This is the Land and season in which what we profess and pray for are manifesting. There are many who pray and profess during the wilderness period but their words and prayers are not manifesting or being answered. This is the time in the Promise Land in which our prayers are being answered on a greater level. As we move forward from Glory to Glory, we continue to take the land and the spoils of the enemy (Satan) in which he had stolen. 

As we continue in our full obedience to the Lord, there will be a continued seasons of "rains in their proper seasons—the early and late rains—so you can bring in your harvests of grain, new wine, and olive oil." The Holy Spirit will be pouring His Spirit upon us and the evidence of our reaping of good fruit will be shown and abundant. The seasonal rains will bring in our harvests of grain, new wine, and olive oil. The harvests of grains are the new souls we will harvest into the Kingdom. The new wine is the spiritual gifts and power we will receive from Jesus. The olive oil is spiritual and physical wealth and the out pouring of His Spirit.

May you all pass your tests enduring in your faith to make it to your spiritual Promise Land. And once you are there, may you continue to move forward in Glory to Glory. The command is given! We are to take the Land and conquer and possess it awaiting HIS RETURN! Do not just look up doing nothing! We are called to conquer, possess, and occupy the land until HIS RETURN. The earth belongs to HIS people. 

You must return as a people repenting and praying. Pray in the Spirit! Dance in the Spirit! Worship HIM in the Spirit! We are an army on our knees marching in prayer to possess the Land. Remember, you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God and those who overcome their trials, tests, and tribulations of life are considered born of God. Those born of God are overcomers! Stay in prayer crucifying your flesh.

God bless you and Praise HIM with all your being! 


You have a bad habit or a sin that easily besets you. It could be pride,anger,envy,bitterness etc. You tell God daily you have repented but at the slightest temptation you give in. You may be sincere with your words but the flesh is weak I guess.

The Word of God teaches us how to truly repent in Isaiah 55:7

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.

So then what is wickedness? In Proverbs 6:12-14 the bible gives us some characteristics of the wicked

i. Walks with a perverse mouth

ii. He winks with his eyes

iii. He shuffles his feet

iv. He points with his fingers

v. Perversity is in his heart

vi. He devises evil continually

vii. He sows discords

So the bible says to the wicked "forsake your ways".

A righteous man is one who has a right standing with God by reason of what Christ did. He lives by this feat. An unrighteous man is the opposite. He goes contrary to the way of the cross. The bible says the unrighteous should forsake his thoughts.
Romans 5:21-22 teaches us that the righteousness of God is imparted unto us through faith in Jesus Christ. It is by faith that one attains the righteousness of God. The unrighteous should see his need for a Saviour, make a conscious effort to turn his back to evil and accept Christ by faith. It has got nothing to do with ones feeling. Repentance is by faith. It is a conscious effort of changing ones way of living and trusting the grace of Christ to sustain him.

Further, the bible says let the one who has repented turn to The Lord. That is acknowledgement of ones neediness. It also represents faith and humility.

Lastly the bible says God will have mercy on him and pardon him abundantly. It doesn't matter how great your sin is, take God at His Word. He says if you forsake your evil ways, your unrighteous thoughts and turn to Him as your only hope, He will show you mercy.

Friday, 16 May 2014


If you have the habit of thinking negative,seeing nothing good about your life,saying evil things about yourself, you better stop. You are not that dumb. Your upbringing and society might have contributed to this but begin to see yourself as God does and that is only possible by believing in what His Word says.

Some of you have been made to believe you are good for nothing because of the words you heard from childhood. For some of you have not seen anything like love all your life. This has hardened your heart so you hardly have sympathy for others. This day receive healing in the name of Jesus.

For some of you, the devil has fed you with his lies that you are not worthy. Yes you are not worthy in your own capacity but God says He has made you accepted in the Beloved(Jesus).

To the sister out there you have heard from your peers you are not beautiful so you have resorted to worldly dressing. Now they call you sexy just to draw you into more perdition. You are not beautiful because a man called you sexy. You are pretty because God said it at creation. Sister, please refocus and keep your values. God says you are pretty. Whose word will you believe? You have heard beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I say to you this time God your Father is the beholder and He sees best. You dont need to expose your body to look pretty. See beauty through God's eyes. Let men be liars and God be true.


2 Samuel 15:1-5
 After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and  fifty men to run before him.

Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for  a decision, that Absalom would  call to him and say, what city are you from? And he would say, your servant is from such  and such tribe in Israel.

Then Absalom would say to him, look your case is good and right; but there is no deputy of the king to hear you.

Moreover Absalom would say, Oh that I were made judge in the land, and everyone who has any suit or cause would come to me; then I would give him justice.

And so it was, whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his hand and take him and kiss him.

Absalom felt his father David had done injustice by not reprimanding Amnon when he raped his sister Tamar. He murdered Amnon out of bitterness. Eventually he rebelled against his father out of bitterness of heart. Gradually he was winning the hearts of the people. He was making his father look evil in order to be accepted. He might have had a genuine case against his father's injustice but he didn't know the ways of God. He thought if his father couldn't manage the mess in his own house he wasn't fit to be a king so he must rule in his stead.

Many young ministers even here on facebook possess the same spirit as Absalom did. Many feel Pastor A has gone off track so let me take matters into my hands and abuse him. Some may go to the extent of posting stories about renowned preachers exposing their shame. They may think they are justified in their actions after all scripture says we should expose darkness. This is what is on the lips of many people but sadly the hearts of many are full of pride, envy and uncalled for criticisms. Many may think they are doing the body of Christ a service by exposing the shame of other ministers. They may appear to give God's people comfort but they rather fill their hearts with more bitterness and unbelief.

Gradually, they begin to feel they have arrived. Some may appear to stand for holiness but their hearts they have bitterness and hatred. They may appear to stand for justice but in reality they themselves are deceived. They are led by their pride instead of love. They will stir up the hearts of God's people to breathe murderous threats on ministers who have fallen. They may have people cheering them on with likes and comments so they find themselves in a delusion.

We should be careful of people who appear to be exposing men of God in error without requesting supplication be made for them. Whatever we constantly hear and see will definitely affect us. If you are in the habit of patronising articles and posts on the internet that always speak ill of men of God know gradually you are opening your heart to spirits of hatred and rebellion. Absalom may appear to be one who upholds justice for the people of God but in actual fact he is deceived himself. His character is not refined. He does not know the mark of authority in God's kingdom. He has no love. His heart is full of bitterness. He is self seeking and vain glorious. His aim is to paint a picture that he is better than God's anointed.

Brethren, we should be careful of our actions. Some men of God may be in error. Some of them may be in crisis but it is not in our place to carry stories about them. We are to uphold them in prayers. Many young ministers and Christians are always in a haste. They want God to judge Saul and take him out the way so David can rule.

Who are the Sauls and why is Saul still alive and called anointed even after his fall?

2 Samuel 1:13-14
13 And David said unto the young man that told him, Whence art thou? And he answered, I am the son of a stranger, an Amalekite.

14 And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's anointed?

 Saul could be the ministers who once followed God but have now turned away from Him. God was testing David while Saul was alive. Twice David was presented the opportunity to slay Saul but he understood he was God's anointed. Today God is testing so many young ministers if they will still honour Saul eventhough he has fallen out of grace. God is testing many if they will wait for Him to judge Saul or they will form alliances out of pride and impatience to eliminate Saul by saying unpleasant words about him. Every one will be tested and we have to pass that test. People of God be discerning. You may feel the temptation to expose or bash men of God who may have fallen. Do not follow the path of Absalom because it has a grave consequence. Be led to speak, be patient,let love guide your actions. We must patiently and prayerfully wait on The Lord as he prepares us to take the mantle. God is using Saul's rejection to teach you that if you don''t humble yourself and walk before Him you will face the same judgements and if possible stricter judgement. Saul's fall should teach you a lot of lessons. Some may claim The Lord told them to expose minister so and so. If you are not dying to pride,wrath and bitterness your flesh may act and you may think it is God speaking. You may get naive believers who will cheer you on but be careful. Anything not done out of love will reap death.

                     Glory To Jesus

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Few weeks ago I woke up around 1am anticipating a call from a friend I was supposed to pray with about a problem she had. After waiting for some minutes without the call coming through I gave up and was disappointed. I said to myself well she needs it most not I. Suddenly I heard The Lord say to me " Some may not feel at it. Some may not have that extra strength but you don't have to give up on them. " Then He led me to Jude 1:22-23
And on some have compassion, making a distinction;
but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire,hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.

There are different seats of grace. There are also different measures of faith. Some can pray for countless hours others too can pray for 15 minutes a day. Some have faith to heal headaches others have faith to heal cancer and other terminable diseases. The grace and measure of faith that we operate in will determine how far we can go. Its like a weightlifting competition. The one who lifts a metal of 100kg will be quick to get worn out compared to the one who lifts a metal of 250kg.
Again it can be likened to a war zone. In many of the American- Vietnamese war movies that I have watched, you can see that some of The American soldiers get lethargic and the ones with extra strength aid them to carry on. They know they have to defend the flag of The U.S. They know they are one unit and if one is affected it will deplete the strength of the troop.

This illustration works the same way in the kingdom of God. From time to time The Lord sends people our way. Some of them have weaker faith. Some of them may have a passive attitude about their spiritual state. We may think we are justified in leaving them to rot. After all we didn't create that mess. After all they love their condition. After all we've done our bit. We seem to get easily discouraged about people who are not pulling their weight spiritually. God said something to the people of Israel in Ezekiel 16:6
And when I passed by you and saw you "struggling in your own blood", I said to you in your blood, Live! Yes, I said to you in your blood, 'Live!"
Israel had created their own mess through rebellion. When God saw the nation in that deplorable state, He did not turn away from them. They had cheated on Him. I can imagine the heart breaks they caused Him yet He gave them newness of life. First He tells them to live. Again He reiterates that word "LIVE". When God repeats something it shows the importance so the first time He says live. Receive healing for the mess. The second He says receive restoration for the mess.

God decides to put their past and frailties behind and draws them with cords of love. We are not going to see Christ hanging on the cross. Not all of us will see Jesus face to face before rapture but then we are Christ on earth. Jesus said He did what He saw The Father do. We are also called to do what we see in His Word, what The Holy Spirit teaches us personally. Like the Jewish man who was picked up by The Samaritan, people may not have the same social status like we do but we should go that extra mile. We are to see people through His eyes. They may not deserve it. They may be proud and lazy but we should lift them up.
The Father of the prodigal son stood daily at the gates hoping to see His son return. Love raised His expection for His son.

I pray you will receive grace to love and uphold God's people who are weak.
                              Glory To Jesus

Saturday, 3 May 2014


Exodus 22:21
You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

If you were once maltreated in the house of your mistress God was training you not to repeat the same mistake when you become a mistress. If you were mishandled or you suffered from an abusive relationship God is trying to tell you don't abuse others when He gives you liberty. If you were walking in sexual sins in the past and God delivered you, the message He is conveying to you is don't point your finger at the one battling with that sin.

The people of Israel had been oppressed by the Egyptians for over 400 years. They cried out for years for deliverance. God gave them a deliverer in the person of Moses.
In their wilderness adventure God instructed them not to abuse strangers. He reminded them of their pain in Egypt. The people of Israel should have felt the heart of a servant then but God knew they had short memory so He reminded them again.

Like the people of Israel if not all some of us have been delivered from our "Egypt". Some of us have been delivered from that night club life. Some of us have been delivered from alcoholism. Some of us have been delivered from sexual sins but many of us are quick to forget we were once there. Many of God's people have forgotten they were once slaves to sins. They have taken the role of the devil accusing and despising those who are walking in sin.

Few years back during my rebellion I was accusing and despising fornicators because I thought I wasnt walking in it. God opened my eyes to the fact that I was committing fornication mentally. Do we have the heart of a "slave"? Do we feel the pain oothers. Why are many assuming the role of pharisees. Why are many not showing His people mercy. Why are many promoting their traditions but never teaching His people about His ways.

Matthew 23:23
23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you give a tenth of your mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected and omitted the weightier (more important) matters of the Law—right and justice and mercy and fidelity. These you ought [particularly] to have done, without neglecting the others.

Many of God's people will be quick to preach repentance and holiness but do they know the heart of Jesus. Many in our time would have picked up stones to stone the adulterous woman but many are not confronting themselves with His truth. Does fiery preaching make one please Him. Does sound biblical teaching alone please Him.

Jesus told the pharisees they were preaching half truth. How many of us feel His heart? Why are many raising their own standard of holiness? These are called the tradition of the fathers. If His truth enters the heart it must bring liberty but why are many panicking instead of walking in liberty?

God delivers us from bad habits so that we will know how to deal with those walking in sin.


We can read the bible from Genesis to Revelations, pray 10hours a day, preach Holy Ghost inspired sermons, give alms to the poor, sing all the nicest songs and hymns at church but if we are not dying to the world daily and seeking to become more like Jesus it is in vain. If we are not dying to our ambitions,self righteousness surrendering our lives fully in obedience and the fear of The Lord it counts as nothing. If there is one thing many Christians are lacking it is the fear of The Lord. Many Christians would rather compromise for fear of being mocked than to stand up and say I belong to Jesus and I can't do that. Jesus said if you are ashamed of Him on earth He will be ashamed of You when you stand before Him. Jesus was not talking about carrying big bibles to church for people to know that you are a Christian. Among your friends do you show the light in you or you are compromising because you think if you say you are a Christian you will be ridiculed? Today because of technology many Christians feel ashamed to carry the bible to church because they think its a burden but people can carry big laptops for the sake of movies and other stuff. The world is not ashamed to show their nakedness, foolish tv shows, music but Christians are even ashamed to be called Christians through their conduct. At night prostitutes are not ashamed to call themselves sex workers but believers are even ashamed to show their identity. Are we partaking in His sufferings here on earth or we are seeking our own comfort. Jesus did not die for us to sit lazily in our comfort zone so we can sing Hosanna Praise Him. He died so that we will also lay down our lives and take up eternal life which He offered in exchange.

 The life of a Christian is not His own. The early church went through a lot of persecution. In our time most of us are not going through that kind of persecution but we are the most lazy in Church history. Christianity has lost its true purpose. Many of us were taught an easy Christian life when we were saved. Going to heaven is not bread and butter that's why Jesus said he who endures to the end shall be saved. You can be a candidate for heaven today and be a hell candidate tomorrow. Christianity is a life that should be lived daily. We have to carry our cross daily. We have to be mocked and reviled by the world. There is nothing like once saved, saved forever. I wonder why some still believe in such a doctrine. The path Jesus chose was a demonstration of what we will go through if we decide to follow Him. Although we will not carry a literal cross like The Lord but we have to learn to endure every day of our lives until we reach home.


Sometimes we think we are more spiritual than other days because we had a prayer marathon, read many chapters in the bible, gave to the poor and preached life transforming sermons. Interesting! We call this spirituality. If we wake the next day and that feeling is no more then we think we are no more spiritual and God has left. A spiritual walk has nothing to do with our feelings. We don't get into right standing with God because we feel good today. The life of a spiritual man is evidenced by fruits. We should learn to live above our feelings. To walk in the spirit is to walk in the light of God's word. Jesus said, the words I speak to you are spirit and life. If we live by the teachings of Jesus, you are walking in the spirit. One may inflate his ego by praying for 10hours a day but may not be spiritual. What many call spiritual is soulish. Where are your fruits "mr. spiritual man"? Where is your obedience to God's word mr. spiritual man? Sometimes I hear people say this brother is spiritual, that sister is spiritual. Are they spiritual because they are good at preaching standing behind the pulpit and shouting on top of their voices to show that they are spiritually filled or they are spiritual because they are manifesting the fruits of the spirit? Friends, let us not be deceived. Let us not only measure our level of spirituality by the number of hours in prayer or by other kind deeds we do. Self righteousness is a big disease in christiandom and many are blinded by it. What fruit are we bearing? If we are not walking in the ways of Jesus showing our fruits and giving glory to Him all our self styled spirituality will be in vain. We should humble ourselves and ask The Holy Spirit if we are on track or we are walking in our own righteousness. Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man but its end is death. Don't be blinded by your self righteousness. Seek His truth. He loves the lowly in heart. May your eyes be opened to His truth as you seek to know more of His truth. 

Glory To Jesus.


If one speaks a word in the name of The Lord and it doesn't come to pass then the person ought to repent. If one says thus saith The Lord, it is like putting The Lord's seal/signature on a document. His name has to be hallowed. His name can't be toyed with. If one spoke a false prophecy in The Lord's name then he ought to repent. The Lord will not hold the one who profanes His name guiltless. There are so many false prophecies flying here on fb. Do people really understand what it is to speak in The Lord's name? Thus saith The Lord means you are conveying His message. A prophecy may sound good but may not be from God. If one is always anxious to hear from The Lord he will speak lies. The Lord speaks when He wants to. There are so many prophecies of rapture on fb. Has The Lord spoken to all these people? Some have been date setters and others are creating panic. People should be very careful. If one sets a date for the rapture and it doesn't come to pass does it mean The Lord changed His mind? He is not a man to change His mind. He only changes His mind when people repent from their sins. Friends don't just embrace any prophecy. A true prophecy must edify. It must get you closer to The Lord. It must get you back on track. At the beginning of the year The Lord told me people will sound false rapture alarms and that is what is happening. Rapture ready means living a victorious life daily. If people keep on panicking at every rapture prophecy it shows that they are putting their hope in the rapTure instead of the Lord. There are brethren who are weak in faith even here on fb. I believe some genuinely love The Lord but if people continue to throw dust into their eyes they will eventually walk in darkness. Waiting for The Lord's coming will come with a lot of test.

 In late 2010 and early 2011 I was so enthused about The Lord's coming but when He started testing me I failed most of them. Am not saying don't be enthused about His coming. Scripture says He is coming for those who are looking for His coming. His coming is still imminent. Many here are raising their own standard for being rapture ready. Many are generating new doctrines. It is not about do's and don'ts. All that we need to know is in the bible and The Holy Spirit affirms God's truth. Don't be a stumbling block. Don't set your own standard for holiness. Before the US election I saw a prophecy circulating on fb that The Lord will return before the election. The election is over and many weak believers are going to stumble. There will be more bad prophecies. It doesn,t matter how long one has been in the prophetic. One can also be corrupted if he is not diligent. If one is given the gift of prophecy or any other gift, he has to minister in humility. The anointing comes with a responsibility and judgment. If one has authority and doesn't minister in love and humility he will be judged severely. We should always humble ourselves, repenting daily and wash ourselves in His blood.


When we begin to look at Jacob the man, we discover how strikingly his history is like our own. Before God has begun to deal with us we are inclined to take a rather superior attitude to Jacob, and judge him as self-willed and irresponsible. But when we begin to recognize the flesh in ourselves and our own weakness and sinfulness and self-will, then it is that we see Jacob in ourselves. And when we come to the last seventeen years of his life, and watch his words and his whole demeanour, we must praise God's grace in the man. It is hard to find any in the Old Testament with an end like his. It can move us to tears to see how wondrously God has worked in him and how grace has led him to a place of usefulness. A seemingly hopeless man has been made into a most useful vessel for God's purpose.

Yet the whole of this fruitfulness in Jacob was the result of God's discipline of him. God touched his natural strength, and as a result he became in due course a vessel unto honour. It is as the Spirit disciplines us that He works Christ into us; they are not two separate works. The life of Christ is wrought into the character of the disciple, and fruit is born naturally, spontaneously. So we have much to learn from Jacob.

We can recognize four stages in Jacob's life. First, the man Jacob as he was (Genesis 25-27). Secondly, his testing and discipline through circumstances (28-31). Thirdly, the dislocation of his natural life (32-36). Fourthly, the `peaceable fruit' (37-50).

We begin by looking at the character of Jacob the man. By natural instinct Jacob was a fighter from birth (Genesis 25.22-26).How different he was from Isaac! Isaac did nothing; he accepted and received everything. Jacob from beginning to end is a schemer, clever, wily, confident that he can do anything. How is God going to bring such a man to the place of being a vessel for His purpose?

It was not just that what he did was wrong; he himself, from before his birth, was a man unsuitable to God by nature. Oh yes, He desired the will of God. He wanted Esau to hold back and allow him, Jacob, to be the eldest; and when that did not happen he would use every device, every stratagem to make good the disadvantage. That was Jacob! Of what use to God was such a man?

We cannot give a rational answer to that question. Only the grace of God can account for His choice of this one. `For the children being not yet born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth, it was said unto (Rebekah), The elder shall serve the younger. Even as it is written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated' (Romans 9. 11 -13). The election of God is the only explanation; there is no other. God wanted to choose a man. We must believe in the choice of God. If He has begun a good work in us He will not leave it half done. He is the First and the Last. The work He has started to do in us He will finish. If we trust to the election of God, we can rest in Him.

If you are inclined to say, `I am so difficult for God to deal with,' then put your trust in Jacob's God. Jacob did not choose God first; God chose Jacob. Before his birth He chose him, and the same is true of us. Recognize God's elective grace, and we shall be freed from anxiety.

It was the will of God that Jacob should rule. Jacob had discovered that. He learned of God's plan and recognized its true importance, and that it involved him and not his brother. He saw God's election and God's purpose, but he wanted to make sure of it for himself. So in their youth, when Esau returned one day from hunting, Jacob bargained with him for his birthright. `Let me be the elder, and you shall be the younger,' he declared (Genesis 25. 29-34). His motive was right, but he used his own wits to get what God fully intended to give him.

Then in chapter 27 Jacob cheated his father in order to secure his father's blessing. We can, of course, see Jacob's problem. Isaac had sent Esau to hunt, with a view to giving him his blessing. If that happened, and Esau received the blessing of the first-born, then what about God's promise? Jacob had seen the design behind that promise, and so he saw the danger too. He must somehow contrive that God's will should be done. From his point of view he was quite right, but his was the reasoning of the natural man. Each thing Jacob did, we find, was designed to accomplish God's will. He showed, however, that he could not wait for God's time and look to God to do it but must himself devise measures to bring about what it appeared as though God could not do.

Our natural man uses human strength and ingenuity to compass the will of God. If God's throne seems in danger of falling, out goes our hand to steady it. `Something must be done!' we exclaim. That is Jacob, the able, scheming, clever, natural man. But the result of his efforts was only that Esau felt himself cheated and determined to kill him, and Jacob had to leave home.

Not only does man's uncleanness render him unfit, and therefore powerless, to do God's will; man's very best is equally powerless. No matter how perfect the heart's intentions may be, if it is man using his natural strength to do it, the result is failure. Jacob had not learned to know and quietly to wait for the God who says, `I will work, and who shall hinder it? (Isaiah 43. 13). He was God's choice, God wanted him, but he knew neither God nor himself. The blessing he attained by cheating, he failed truly to realize. All he received was God's discipline. Clever people get a lot of that!

Through discipline God gave him the blessing he had cheated to obtain. Already at Bethel, before he had even left the land, his life of discipline began (Genesis 28. 10-22). God spoke to him in a dream. He could not speak to Jacob directly while he was trusting to his own plans.

But now look what God says to Jacob! `I am the Lord, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed' (28. 13-14). It would not surprise us if God had said these words at the end of Jacob's life, but here they are at the very outset! The whole blessing is presented to him, even while he is still his natural, contriving, crafty self. How is this possible? Surely only because God knew Himself. He had great confidence in what He Himself would do. He knew that this Jacob, so committed to Him, could not escape His hands, and sooner or later would become His vessel unto honour. `I will give it,' God said. There was nothing for Jacob to do. How wonderful that God is a God of such confidence! He knows He can carry out His own plans.

We might well think such a downright statement of intention rather risky when dealing with a man like Jacob. But the end was already certain; God's plans always are. For God's expectation is in Himself, never in us. Oh that we might learn the undefeatedness of God!

Then we should notice also, at Bethel, that in spite of Jacob's spiritual condition, God has not one word of rebuke for him. We should certainly have had! Yet God made no mention of what had happened. He knew all about Jacob and his deceit and his subtle contriving. Here was this man, determined to reach his goal, no matter what means he used to get there, and God knew he was like that. But for that very reason, God did not rebuke him. It would have been no use; he was like that, he could not change, and God did not tell him to. God knew that Jacob was in His hands; and what Jacob could not do, God Himself could.

Twenty-one years later when Jacob came back to Bethel, he was a different man, and God knew this would be so. What is not accomplished in ten years, will be in twenty. At the end of that time God is still holy. He has not forgotten, and He never approved of Jacob's action. Jacob was foolish, but God had His plans. Time would work them out.

This promise to Jacob was greater and went further than that given to either Abraham or Isaac. `Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee whithersoever thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of (28. 15). Praise God for this extra promise given to Jacob! It was unconditional. There was no `if you . . . then I . . .'. Whatever Jacob was like by nature, God had a plan; He would have His way. He has a way to His goal for even the most hopeless of us. He cannot be defeated. There is no means of bringing God to a halt half-way there.

From Bethel onward Jacob was in God's hand, and twenty years of discipline wrought the change in him. But here, at the outset of his journey, he as yet did not know the meaning of the promise. This revelation to Jacob in a dream had not changed him one bit. To look at him only draws from us the exclamation: `Lord, your work is indeed so perfect, but how poor the material you have to work upon!'

From verses 16 and 17 it seems that, on waking, Jacob had forgotten what God had said, and was only afraid because he had slept at the Gate of Heaven. The promise was secondary. He was afraid of God. And the house of God is indeed a terrifying place to those in whom the flesh has not been dealt with. The house of God has the power of God, God's order, holiness, righteousness, revealed in it. It is justly to be feared if the flesh is still proud and active.

Then Jacob spoke to God. `And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, if God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, then shall the Lord be my God, and this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be God's house' (20-21). What a contrast this is to God's unqualified words to him. Jacob says, `If . . . if . . . if . . . then.' We see here what Jacob's desires were, namely, food and clothing. He had lost sight of God's purpose. But surely here we can already detect God's discipline. For he was young, the beloved of his mother; and now he was alone, knowing nothing of his future. Even in this situation his chastening had begun. He wanted food and clothing, and to return to his home! `And of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee' (28. 22). That is Jacob! If you give me all this, then I will give you a tenth! He wanted to do business, even with God. Everything for him was on a commercial basis.

Yet this was also Bethel. Although Jacob could not rise to God's promise, yet from that time, to Jacob He was the God of Bethel. A great impression was made on Jacob there.

Now Jacob comes to Haran, and in Genesis 29. 9 - 11 we read how Rachel was the first one of his relations to meet him. Again we see God's discipline at work, for the first thing he did was to weep. She awoke in him memories of his past, and of the way he had come. Before he left home he had been hard; there had been plenty of ways of keeping himself from tears. It is those who have no way out of their situation who weep. Jacob's course had led him from riches to poverty. Again God had touched and chastened him.

For one whole month Jacob was a guest in his relatives' home (29. 14). After that Laban said to him, `Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? Tell me, what shall thy wages be? (verse 15). Yet verse 14 contains no suggestion that Jacob had been serving Laban! His host was announcing a change of status.

The fact is, both Laban and Jacob had commercial minds. The natural man and the worldly man are one in this. On Jacob there were a lot of sharp corners to be rubbed off, and whereas Esau could not rub him, Laban certainly could. There is plenty of friction when two of the same kind meet and live together! First it had been, `my bone and my flesh'. Now it is, `You work and I will pay you.' It was a polite way of saying, `You can't live here for nothing!'

In his own home Jacob had been the son; all was his. Now Jacob was a servant, a cattle-man, and his uncle was a harsh task master. Once more God's chastening hand was at work.

But there was still more to come. Jacob served Laban seven years for the hand of his daughter Rachel, his first love, and then Laban cheated him! He gave him Leah instead. It is always very bitter to have to take your own medicine! So Jacob served another seven years-fourteen years in all for Laban's two daughters. He went out to keep the sheep, and Laban changed his wages ten times. Thus Jacob was put through the fires of discipline, tested and tried, but with the hand of God always upon him. For God had promised to bring Jacob back home.

Laban could scheme and plan as well as Jacob; indeed, even Jacob had difficulty in getting the better of him. Yet somehow he managed it. He schemed long and carefully to increase his own flock and to enhance his wealth at the expense of his uncle, and in his scheming he makes it quite clear that he has not changed one bit!

Yet Jacob acknowledged the hand of God. Though through all the years he had not mentioned God's name, yet at last, with the birth of Joseph, he bethought himself of home and sought to return (30. 25). But now he could not get away! He was in fact compelled to stay on with such a man as Laban for twenty long years.

What God's hand does is right. Circumstances are His appointment for our good. They are calculated to undermine and weaken the specially strong points of our nature. It may not take Him as much as twenty years to do this, or it may take longer. Yet God knows what He is doing. We see this clearly at the end of Jacob's life. Earlier he had inspired little affection in anyone, for everyone had to serve his ends; yet at the last he became gentle and lovable.

`Now for a little while, if need be, ye have been put to grief in manifold temptations, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold that perishes though it is proved by fire, might be found unto praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ' (1 Peter 1. 6-7). There is nothing accidental in the life of the believer. It is all measured out to us. We may not welcome the discipline, but it is designed in the end to make us partakers of His holiness.


If we are going through difficult times as a result of our rebellion towards God should we not be sober,ponder over our transgression,repent and give Him the offering that He requires. If there are no breakthroughs,barreness and dryness in our lives as a result of our rebellion ought we not to humble ourselves and seek God with our whole hearts? Ought we not to put ourselves under His yokes and learn of His righteous judgments instead of looking for escape routes? When God calls one a son, He also makes His judgments clear to him. He doesn't pamper spoilt children. He puts them at the right place.

If we are in a haste to escape from His chastening are we not making for ourselves yokes of iron instead of yokes of wood? Are we not edging closer to destruction. Many of God's people are crying for breakthroughs. Many are crying for blessings but they are not seeking it His way. Many want to escape their tribulations but are not willing to bear a lasting fruit.

Jeremiah 28:13-14

Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus says the LORD: You have broken the yokes of wood, but you have made in their place yokes of iron. For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him. I have given him the beasts of the field also.


Numbers 21:8-9
8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
9And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

2 Kings 18: 1-4
And it happened in the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign.

Twenty and five years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah.

And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did.

He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

The people of God had rebelled against Him in the wilderness. God sent serpents among them to judge them. When they cried out to Him, He instructed Moses make a bronze serpent as a medium for healing. Many years later God’s people began to worship the bronze serpent. It became their savior. They began to worship the creation instead of their creator. They had soon forgotten how God bore them on His wings throughout their journey in the wilderness. Like the people of Israel, God still judges His people when they are in rebellion. He may cause famines, sickness, economic depression and many other forms of judgement to awaken His people from sin. Many of God’s people are deceived into thinking He no longer judges His people. Many may spend hours binding and casting out demons but they forget the root cause of their problem is their rebellion.

If God withholds His goodness from an individual or a nation then they should get on their knees and seek Him wholeheartedly. He says if we seek Him with all our hearts we shall find Him. During my rebellion I developed a health condition through a sinful habit which I blamed on other forces. I couldn’t discern until when I came back to Him then He revealed the cause of my problem. If God’s people set their hearts to seek Him wholeheartedly, He will heal them as promised in His word. He is faithful. If we fulfill our part of the covenant, He will also fulfill His own. God had instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent to heal His people. The serpent on the pole is a shadow of Christ on the cross.

John 3:14-15
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Even in our time God uses mediums to heal and bless His people. Our God doesn’t operate dogma. The question is was the bronze serpent an idol? Today there are many tools that the people of God use. We use oil to anoint. We use water for many purposes in the house of God. One may use any medium as directed by The Holy Spirit but the issue is what is in the heart of God’s people? Is the anointing water a sin? Is the anointing oil a sin? Are the handkerchiefs, wrist band and other mediums a sin? One may say the blood of Jesus is all that we need. That is absolute truth but as I stated earlier God is not dogmatic.
Idolatry begins when God’s people begin to put their trust in the medium instead of putting their trust in their Saviour. Let’s say I have an olive oil which I use to anoint my head daily then one day I wake up and it is no where to be found and I begin to show signs of apprehension. It is now obvious that it has become my idol so the idolatry is not from the oil but I have made an idol out of it.

In the same manner any tool can be an idol. Anything that takes the place of God in our hearts can be an idol. It is not the object that is a sin but what we make out of it. Are phones and ipad idols? They are not idols but we can make idols out of it. If I spend countless hours on my phone and ipad and neglect my spiritual life then it has become my idol and I am an idolater. There are statues of our former heroes in the city. If I decide to go to  a museum to take a look at these monuments does it make me an idolater? The Holy Spirit may personally convict me not to go there due to the weak faith of a brother lest he stumbles. This is what Paul was explaining in 1 Corinthians 8.

                          Glory To Jesus


Numbers 21:8-9
8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
9And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

2 Kings 18: 1-4
And it happened in the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign.

Twenty and five years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah.

And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did.

He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

The people of God had rebelled against Him in the wilderness. God sent serpents among them to judge them. When they cried out to Him, He instructed Moses make a bronze serpent as a medium for healing. Many years later God’s people began to worship the bronze serpent. It became their savior. They began to worship the creation instead of their creator. They had soon forgotten how God bore them on His wings throughout their journey in the wilderness. Like the people of Israel, God still judges His people when they are in rebellion. He may cause famines, sickness, economic depression and many other forms of judgement to awaken His people from sin. Many of God’s people are deceived into thinking He no longer judges His people. Many may spend hours binding and casting out demons but they forget the root cause of their problem is their rebellion.

If God withholds His goodness from an individual or a nation then they should get on their knees and seek Him wholeheartedly. He says if we seek Him with all our hearts we shall find Him. During my rebellion I developed a health condition through a sinful habit which I blamed on other forces. I couldn’t discern until when I came back to Him then He revealed the cause of my problem. If God’s people set their hearts to seek Him wholeheartedly, He will heal them as promised in His word. He is faithful. If we fulfill our part of the covenant, He will also fulfill His own. God had instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent to heal His people. The serpent on the pole is a shadow of Christ on the cross.

John 3:14-15
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Even in our time God uses mediums to heal and bless His people. Our God doesn’t operate dogma. The question is was the bronze serpent an idol? Today there are many tools that the people of God use. We use oil to anoint. We use water for many purposes in the house of God. One may use any medium as directed by The Holy Spirit but the issue is what is in the heart of God’s people? Is the anointing water a sin? Is the anointing oil a sin? Are the handkerchiefs, wrist band and other mediums a sin? One may say the blood of Jesus is all that we need. That is absolute truth but as I stated earlier God is not dogmatic.
Idolatry begins when God’s people begin to put their trust in the medium instead of putting their trust in their Saviour. Let’s say I have an olive oil which I use to anoint my head daily then one day I wake up and it is no where to be found and I begin to show signs of apprehension. It is now obvious that it has become my idol so the idolatry is not from the oil but I have made an idol out of it.

In the same manner any tool can be an idol. Anything that takes the place of God in our hearts can be an idol. It is not the object that is a sin but what we make out of it. Are phones and ipad idols? They are not idols but we can make idols out of it. If I spend countless hours on my phone and ipad and neglect my spiritual life then it has become my idol and I am an idolater. There are statues of our former heroes in the city. If I decide to go to  a museum to take a look at these monuments does it make me an idolater? The Holy Spirit may personally convict me not to go there due to the weak faith of a brother lest he stumbles. This is what Paul was explaining in 1 Corinthians 8.

                          Glory To Jesus


There is a popular saying that if one is taking his bath and a mad man takes his towel and he in turn runs after the mad man for the towel then he is also mad. If one claims to follow The Lord and he is spited at every accusation and provocation then how different is he from those who are not The Lord's? Many of God's people will be quick to say they want to be like Him. Do we want to love just as He loved? Do we want to be meek just as He was meek when He walked the earth? Do we want to walk in authority and power just as He did when He walked the earth? Do we want to share in His trials? Are we willing to love the people who slander us? He says carry your cross if you want to follow Him.

Your cross is saying bye bye to the world. Your cross is becoming more and more like Him daily. Your cross is saying yes to Him and nothing else. Are God's people called to defend themselves? Are God's people called to rant when insults are hurled at them? Are God's people supposed to curse those who oppose them?

1 Peter 2:23
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.

Our calling as Christians goes with persecutions. Our master was persecuted. He was not loved by the world. Evil men spat on Him. The bible says He reviled not when He was humiliated. How about us? Do we have to go around seeking sympathy because others hurt us? Do we have to explain our hurts to people? Do we have to vent our spleen any time we are maltreated? Are we not supposed to trust Him to avenge on our behalf? Are we not supposed to pray for those who persecute us? Are we not supposed to see our persecutors as people who do not have His love? We have been called to endure just as He did. We have been called to be meek like Him. We have been called to commit ourselves to Him. He is the one who will judge our adversaries. Ours is to pray for them. Ours is to learn to keep our mouths shut. We have not been called to defend ourselves at any point in time.

Many people will spend countless hours telling people about how much they have been hurt. Are we not supposed to pray for strength to overcome bitterness? All grace has been made available for us to overcome. We must ask for His grace to overcome every obstacle. There is this popular song "I want more of You Jesus". Do we really understand what we ask for? Many times we are quick to join the chorus but let us ask ourselves do we fully understand what we ask for? Jesus was hated by the world. He was reproached by the world. More of Him means more of His reproaches. It is not only about His power at work in you.

Philippians 1:29
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

Glory To Jesus


Have you ever come across preachers who were once on fire for God but are now preaching a new gospel? A gospel of gratification, a gospel that only satisfies the flesh, a gospel that takes man's focus of his redemption in the blood? This is very common in our time and we should expect to see more in the coming days. We are living in a time where it will be very difficult for people to stand for the truth.  In Matthew 24 when the disciples asked The Lord about His coming, the destruction of the temple and the end of the age, He was not in a haste to tell them about planetary alignments or any other cosmic reactions. The first thing He highlighted was guarding against deception. "Take heed that no man deceives you". Jesus knew deception had a direct effect on the soul of any man so He forewarned. Then in Luke's account He also warns of surfeiting(over eating and merry making)and the cares of this life.

Luke 21:34

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting,  and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

He also talked about offences taking place because of the gospel.

Matthew 24:10

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

If you study Matthew 24 critically there are so many things in there before the rapture.  The rapture is an event that will happen suddenly as described in the bible. "In a twinkling of an eye" as the bible puts it but let us take a look at certain critical occurrences that precede the rapture. Before the rapture takes place there should be a great falling away.


1 Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines  of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

So then the bible says in a time to come which is now there will be people who once advocated for the gospel will rather fall away. Demons will deceive them into thinking that they are speaking the truth. This will creep into the body of Christ furtively. The gospel that will be preached will not be a Christ centred gospel. People will be made to feel good for their sins. True grace will be misinterpreted.


Luke 21:34

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

This scripture most likely talks about a day where Christ's comes for His bride as a thief in the night. It can also be viewed from another perspective. A day or a time where men forget they are in a battle field and are overtaking by the cares of this world. Jesus wasn't saying we shouldn't eat good food or live good lives. The emphasis he lays is on the third foe of the kingdom of God which Apostle John mentions in 1 John 2:16 "the pride of life". If any man is caught in this then the devil is competing for his soul since such a person is operating in his economy. So The Lord warns do not be overtaken by these things forgetting you are on a battlefield. The Lord warns about lasciviousness i.e. inordinate affection for the things of the world.

Let us relate it to the days of Noah. Jesus said during those days they were eating, drinking and being given into marriage. Obviously none of the activities mentioned is wrong but they missed something. Their souls had cleaved to this corroded world so it was difficult for them to merge the message of righteousness together with their lust of a world that was about to pass away.

Matthew 24:38

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and  giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

In our days this is the state of many believers. Many believe in investing more of their time and resources in the world that is passing away. The issue is not the activity per say but the lasciviousness. We work for money to live good lives on earth. I don't know any individual who wants to sleep on the streets. We haven needs as humans but the problem begins when believers begin to crave for more and more of the material and less of the spiritual. Gradually such a one starts to believe that's all there is to life. It doesn't start in a day. You can go back and find old tapes of preachers who were once revivalist but have now turned the pulpit into a wheel of fortune. Why? Bit by bit they were taken aback by the cares of this life.

Jesus said your heart will cleave to where you keep your treasure. Gradually the devil has infiltrated them with such lies so the gospel has become a gospel of gain instead of the gospel of Jesus crucified.


Matthew 24:10

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Luke 12:49-52

I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two  against three.

If you ever loved something for 20 years and suddenly I tell you to leave it because it is  not going to add any value to your life you will most likely retort. You believe its right for you. I might have used it and had side effects. Perhaps a few might have used it and complained about it. It may have even harmed you but because you covet it you wouldn't let it go easily. What will you do then? It is very likely I will lose you as your friend. When Jesus walked the earth he encountered a lot of religious leaders. Prior to his ministry, it’s very likely some of these scribes were good observers of the Sabbath, good observers of the moral law. It was very likely a staunch religious leader will not miss the morning and evening sacrifice for anything. It is also likely that they made a lot of prayers to God. Suddenly Jesus comes in and begins to preach hey, you have misinterpreted the law. I'm here to correct your errors. You know definitely they will get offended. They have built their own altars in their hearts. Their intellect has been challenged. Jesus has proven to them that they are in darkness. A religious teacher for over 30 years gets offended because a young man of about 30 years has touched something within which he wanted to protect. Now, the religious teacher has a choice either to continue in the commandments in which he followed faithfully and correct the errors or get offended by Jesus' teaching and continue to walk in darkness.

Matthew 23:3

All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

According to this scripture, the Pharisees had good knowledge of the law. They could expound on it so Jesus encouraged his followers to observe what they teach from the law. Again Jesus warns His disciples not to do as they do. So the Pharisees had an outward form of piety but within they had gods that they had been protecting. They could quote the Pentateuch off head. Jesus comes in with a big bang. Now many of them are offended. Many rather fall into more error. The full gospel will always bring division. It will separate those who appear to love the gospel but are protecting idols within from those who are willing to be martyrs for the sake of the gospel.

 Until that time, the religious leaders were seen to be good. They appeared to be people who taught God's people to keep His commandments. When Jesus touched the evil in their hearts, they began to persecute Him. Its quiet easy to shout  Jesus on top of the roof but wait till God instructs you to give up on your idols. Are you going to preach the same Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Wait till God exposes your favourite preacher. Are you still going to go out for Him? Are you going to cry out and surrender to Him for His light to shine in your heart? Are you going to open your heart for Him to heal your wounds? He says, He has come to send fire on the earth, a fire that brings separation. Today His fire continues to burn within His  faithfuls. A fire that brings separation. A fire that distinguishes the sheep and the goat.

You may say in your heart “LORD I will never get offended at Your WORD". Allow Him to reveal the condition of your heart. You may have countless idols. If you humble yourself He will treat you so you can speak His Word with all boldness. If you try to hide, you will stumble. Gradually you will begin to expose what is in your heart. You will begin to teach things you thought you once hated. Don't think in your heart that you cannot be deceived. Don't think in your heart you cannot be overtaken by the cares of this life. Don't think in your heart you will always defend the truth. Cry unto Him that you may stand. Cry out to Him that you may continue to walk with Him. Cry out to Him that He will help you embrace the fullness of His truth.

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Psalm 145:18

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

Scripture says He is near to those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. He hears those who call upon Him in truth. Personally I have had The Lord reveal certain things in my life which I thought were trivial. There have been times I have felt like dying when He touches the wickedness in my heart. Cry out to Him in your closet. Don't be overconfident.

PRAYER: Father in Heaven, Your Word says the way of a man is not in himself. I cannot  Direct steps myself neither can I make my heart pure. Fill me with your Spirit so that I will  be able to walk in Your truth and discern every error that comes my way. Help me to serve you faithfully until Jesus appears to take His bride home. Amen!!!!!


                 Glory To Jesus