Saturday, 3 May 2014


If one speaks a word in the name of The Lord and it doesn't come to pass then the person ought to repent. If one says thus saith The Lord, it is like putting The Lord's seal/signature on a document. His name has to be hallowed. His name can't be toyed with. If one spoke a false prophecy in The Lord's name then he ought to repent. The Lord will not hold the one who profanes His name guiltless. There are so many false prophecies flying here on fb. Do people really understand what it is to speak in The Lord's name? Thus saith The Lord means you are conveying His message. A prophecy may sound good but may not be from God. If one is always anxious to hear from The Lord he will speak lies. The Lord speaks when He wants to. There are so many prophecies of rapture on fb. Has The Lord spoken to all these people? Some have been date setters and others are creating panic. People should be very careful. If one sets a date for the rapture and it doesn't come to pass does it mean The Lord changed His mind? He is not a man to change His mind. He only changes His mind when people repent from their sins. Friends don't just embrace any prophecy. A true prophecy must edify. It must get you closer to The Lord. It must get you back on track. At the beginning of the year The Lord told me people will sound false rapture alarms and that is what is happening. Rapture ready means living a victorious life daily. If people keep on panicking at every rapture prophecy it shows that they are putting their hope in the rapTure instead of the Lord. There are brethren who are weak in faith even here on fb. I believe some genuinely love The Lord but if people continue to throw dust into their eyes they will eventually walk in darkness. Waiting for The Lord's coming will come with a lot of test.

 In late 2010 and early 2011 I was so enthused about The Lord's coming but when He started testing me I failed most of them. Am not saying don't be enthused about His coming. Scripture says He is coming for those who are looking for His coming. His coming is still imminent. Many here are raising their own standard for being rapture ready. Many are generating new doctrines. It is not about do's and don'ts. All that we need to know is in the bible and The Holy Spirit affirms God's truth. Don't be a stumbling block. Don't set your own standard for holiness. Before the US election I saw a prophecy circulating on fb that The Lord will return before the election. The election is over and many weak believers are going to stumble. There will be more bad prophecies. It doesn,t matter how long one has been in the prophetic. One can also be corrupted if he is not diligent. If one is given the gift of prophecy or any other gift, he has to minister in humility. The anointing comes with a responsibility and judgment. If one has authority and doesn't minister in love and humility he will be judged severely. We should always humble ourselves, repenting daily and wash ourselves in His blood.

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