Saturday, 3 May 2014


We can read the bible from Genesis to Revelations, pray 10hours a day, preach Holy Ghost inspired sermons, give alms to the poor, sing all the nicest songs and hymns at church but if we are not dying to the world daily and seeking to become more like Jesus it is in vain. If we are not dying to our ambitions,self righteousness surrendering our lives fully in obedience and the fear of The Lord it counts as nothing. If there is one thing many Christians are lacking it is the fear of The Lord. Many Christians would rather compromise for fear of being mocked than to stand up and say I belong to Jesus and I can't do that. Jesus said if you are ashamed of Him on earth He will be ashamed of You when you stand before Him. Jesus was not talking about carrying big bibles to church for people to know that you are a Christian. Among your friends do you show the light in you or you are compromising because you think if you say you are a Christian you will be ridiculed? Today because of technology many Christians feel ashamed to carry the bible to church because they think its a burden but people can carry big laptops for the sake of movies and other stuff. The world is not ashamed to show their nakedness, foolish tv shows, music but Christians are even ashamed to be called Christians through their conduct. At night prostitutes are not ashamed to call themselves sex workers but believers are even ashamed to show their identity. Are we partaking in His sufferings here on earth or we are seeking our own comfort. Jesus did not die for us to sit lazily in our comfort zone so we can sing Hosanna Praise Him. He died so that we will also lay down our lives and take up eternal life which He offered in exchange.

 The life of a Christian is not His own. The early church went through a lot of persecution. In our time most of us are not going through that kind of persecution but we are the most lazy in Church history. Christianity has lost its true purpose. Many of us were taught an easy Christian life when we were saved. Going to heaven is not bread and butter that's why Jesus said he who endures to the end shall be saved. You can be a candidate for heaven today and be a hell candidate tomorrow. Christianity is a life that should be lived daily. We have to carry our cross daily. We have to be mocked and reviled by the world. There is nothing like once saved, saved forever. I wonder why some still believe in such a doctrine. The path Jesus chose was a demonstration of what we will go through if we decide to follow Him. Although we will not carry a literal cross like The Lord but we have to learn to endure every day of our lives until we reach home.

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