Wednesday 29 September 2021



Mishaps occur not because we ask for or invite them. We are living in a dark and wicked world where the cry of the poor is faint and the clamor for evil is deafening. Day in day out we hear and see calamities happen to the innocent and the only thing  they are left with is their bitter cry. Some do not even have the strength to cry again. All their energies have been drained

Few weeks ago, God drew my attention to something which I’m equally guilty of. First, let me take you to the scriptures then we delve into this matter.

Luke 10:29-33 

29But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?30And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 33But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him


In vs 29, the lawyer asked The Lord who his neighbor was and this drew Jesus to touch on this subject. Since I’m addressing the body of Christ let me relate it to the activities in the church (the virtual church)


The first person mentioned was a priest which we would say a pastor,a preacher or a minister of the gospel. He preached on facebook and other social media platforms. He is very active, has a sound doctrine, well known and highly respected but he lacks one thing and that is compassion. He sees a soul lament on his updates, he pays no attention. He is so busy that he has no eye for people suffering. He hears of natural disasters happen to other brethren in other nations, he looks unperturbed because it is not within his circle. His concerns are within his sphere. If it is not within his confines then it’s a waiver. So, what prevents this person from checking on a brother who is in trouble on his social media platform? What prevents him from checking on a brother who has gone mute for sometime or is he minding his business? This is not right. Love knows no boundaries.


The second category are believers who are very active on facebook. They preach sometimes, share messages yet they also look unconcerned when there is a bitter cry from a soul. One writes “I am bereaved, I am sick, I am broke, I have lost properties”, they read it yet they are not moved by compassion. They convince themselves, “after all this is social media and I don’t know him. How does this concern me?” These people sometimes talk about love the most but only when it is within their confines. If he is from Ghana, his concerns are for Ghana alone. How about that brother in Guinea whose country experienced a political mayhem few weeks ago?


The third category is the man  called the Good Samaritan. I suppose the wounded man was a Jew and remember in John 4:9, the Samaritan woman made a statement.

John 4:9Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

Relationship wise, these two people had nothing in common. In relating it to this message, we can say they were not of the same religion, social status, denomination, tribe or nation yet this Samaritan had compassion on the wounded man who was left half dead. He invested his energy and time on the wounded man till he was well.

One would say but I don’t have the financial resources. One of the greatest gifts you can offer a dying man is your loyalty and loyalty comes in the form of your time, your concern and all forms of energy. You may not be in the position to help financially but checking on them daily to know the extent of their progress is key to their recovery. There are a lot of people here who are gasping for their last breath. They have lost hope. They have never been loved right from their childhood. They have suffered all manner of abuses. All they need is that person who will offer them a shoulder to lean on. They may look scungy, battered, shattered. Only your love can bind their wounds. Only your compassion can heal them.


In conclusion, we shouldn’t look unconcerned when a soul cries out. It is understandable that there are criminals all over who take undue advantage of people. That is why we have The Holy Spirit to help us discern. You can contribute your quota in the life of someone.


Glory To Jesus

Thursday 15 September 2016


Some of the sudden changes we see in our lives are as a result of some prayers we made some time back. " Lord break me, change me, reveal my heart, let me love you more, let your will be done, let me love people with your heart".
The Lord will ask " Are you willing to drink My cup? Are you willing to love those who betray you? Are you willing to forgive those who abuse you?" He will ask you through the storms that come your way.
Remember it is a walk of love with Him. Sometimes He will take everything and everyone from you. Sometimes the breaking process will make you weep. You might not understand so many things happening in your life now but be thankful.
Last week The Lord told me something that got me thinking. " You think you love people? Your love must go throw My refinery".
Any good thing we think we are or we do must come from what He gives us lest we begin to boast. There is also a good side of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God is not looking for what is good but what He gives.
Sometimes He would withhold certain things from you for a season so that you will depend on Him alone. The Lord said to me " I will lead you to the wilderness but I will not leave you".
What you are seeing now is yesterday's prayer. God does not throw away heart felt prayers. He is just saying be still and trust Me. How can you work for Him if you have not seen Him working. Jesus said My Father has been working until this time and I Am also working. You want to do too much. Hold your peace. God has began something new in your life.
Glory To Jesus


Ask yourself where were the friends of Job when he was suffering before The Lord restored him? When God makes a man attractive, people do not only celebrate with him but they come to celebrate him as well. Maybe they thought you could not make it in life but as soon as one hears of it another will hear then they will come in turns. God Himself will advertise you. This is what we call the blessing of The Lord. Anytime you struggle so much to get the attention of men you are not in the rest of God. The glory of God beautifies a man. It makes a man attractive. Lady, you think too much make up and hipsters will attract your Mr. Right? Brother, you think your wealth will attract a godly spouse? It is the glory of God. The place of glory is the place of intimacy. God told Moses I will cause all my goodness to pass before you and I will proclaim My name The Lord in your presence. When you are in solitude with God He reveals His glory. He reveals His name Jehovah to you. I have had times with The Lord where I could literally see Wisdom as person walking with me.
Jethro had mentored Moses but when God glorified Himself through the conquest of the Egyptians, Jethro did not only come, he came with his grandsons Gershom and Eliezer plus his daughter. He said to himself I don't care how busy Moses is, my descendants must taste this glory. Let people laugh at you. Let people spit on you. Like Job say to yourself "My Redeemer Liveth". If men have not laughed at you how can men laugh with you.
O God saturate me with your glory and let that glory advertise your goodness in my life.


What keeps Christiano Ronaldo at the top year after year?
Great passion for his work
Willingness to go an extra mile in training
Hatred for mediocrity
Willingness to learn
An eye to set new records.
An eye firmly set on nothing but the best.
We can learn a lot from the life of this great footballer as Christians. If we want to be Christians that heaven and earth will forever remember then we need to go about our Christian life like Ronaldo. Should Ronaldo retire today he will be remembered as one of the greatest footballers to have lived on this planet. Thankfully we have The Holy Spirit to help us.
If your prayer life is the same as it was 2 years back don't expect God to suddenly lift you. It doesn't work that way. If you no longer study God's word as you did when you were saved don't expect a radical change. Have you seen a Christian who is growing in leaps and bounds? He has an earnest desire for God. It doesn't happen accidentally.
Ask God for fresh hunger if you have lost it


Hebrews 7:25
For he supposed that his brethren would have understood that God would deliver them by his hand, but they did not understand.
God had told Abraham that his descendants would spend 400 years in a strange land afterward they would go out with great treasures. It was year 390 years from the time of the promise to the time Moses came into the picture. It had come into the heart of Moses to visit his brethren. Moses seeing his brethren go through all forms of abuse had that natural inclination to defend his people but that was not what God intended. God did not mistaken when he said 400 years but Moses was not ready for the task. He wanted to rescue the people his way. God had to send Moses to Jethro. Through shepherding Moses learnt the art.
The preparedness of a promise is equally key to the timing of a prophecy. God said you would marry this year. The question is are you prepared? God said you would travel to the nations to preach. Are you learning something about how international ministers go about their business? When God speaks it is not His sole responsibility to make things happen. When expectation meets preparation results is produced. Your time may be due but are you prepared? Training prepares a man for the battlefield.


Judges 15:1
But it came to pass within a while after, in the time of wheat harvest that Samson visited his wife with a kid; and he said , I will go in to my wife into my chamber. But her father would not suffer him to go in.
Judges 16:1
Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot and went in unto her.
I don't know the time frame between these two incidents but there is something worthy of note. In chapter 15 Samson went to his wife on legal grounds. He had a right to go into his wife. That desire had not been met. Then in verse 14 & 15 Samson slays his enemies but in chapter 16 it is recorded Samson goes into a harlot.
Have you ever had a just claim turned down or a sincere desire and request denied only to fall into sin or take matters in your own hands. Let me get practical; A young man wants to have a sexual affair with his wife only to be turned down day after day. Because a desire has not been met he loses self control and finds himself on a strange woman's laps.
A young woman invests so much in a relationship only to be abused. She ends up playing men in the future. A young man is jilted by a woman he loves. He gives into alcoholism to soothe his pain.
When wounds are not healed, when disappointments are not well handled the devil capitalises on that weakness. A desire is not a sin but when an unfulfilled dream or desire is not well managed the devil expands that weakness. An unfulfilled dream or desire not well managed creates more gaps for the devil to build strong holds.
Why did Samson fall into Delilah's trap? The problem started in the chamber of the harlot at Gaza. Learn to hold your peace in times of disappointments. When you lose your peace you lose your strength. When you lose your joy you will end up losing your integrity.
O God may my sincere unfulfilled dreams and desire not lead me into temptation. Teach me to wait for your perfect timing.


Compassion is of the spirit while pity is of the flesh. The fruit of compassion is love. The fruit of pity is fear. When you start pitying others what you are trying to say to yourself is " what will I do when it happens to me or is that how miserable I'm going to be when I suffer from a similar fate".
Compassion identifies a need and solves a problem. Jesus had compassion on the 5000 not pity. The reason why some weep and rant over certain happenings is because the occurrence is giving them a mental picture. They dread being in that state.
Not every tear is a tear of compassion. Some of the people who cry with you in your dark days are mourning for themselves. They dread being in your state. This is what the three friends of Job did.
People who come to comfort you in pity end up blaming you for your predicaments. Job called them miserable comforters. They dread being alone in your situation so they blame you to overcome their fears. The what ifs begin to ring bells in their hearts and mind.
Remember whatever you fear will overtake you but remember your greatest fear can be turned into an uncommon testimony.
Glory To Jesus