Thursday 15 September 2016


Ask yourself where were the friends of Job when he was suffering before The Lord restored him? When God makes a man attractive, people do not only celebrate with him but they come to celebrate him as well. Maybe they thought you could not make it in life but as soon as one hears of it another will hear then they will come in turns. God Himself will advertise you. This is what we call the blessing of The Lord. Anytime you struggle so much to get the attention of men you are not in the rest of God. The glory of God beautifies a man. It makes a man attractive. Lady, you think too much make up and hipsters will attract your Mr. Right? Brother, you think your wealth will attract a godly spouse? It is the glory of God. The place of glory is the place of intimacy. God told Moses I will cause all my goodness to pass before you and I will proclaim My name The Lord in your presence. When you are in solitude with God He reveals His glory. He reveals His name Jehovah to you. I have had times with The Lord where I could literally see Wisdom as person walking with me.
Jethro had mentored Moses but when God glorified Himself through the conquest of the Egyptians, Jethro did not only come, he came with his grandsons Gershom and Eliezer plus his daughter. He said to himself I don't care how busy Moses is, my descendants must taste this glory. Let people laugh at you. Let people spit on you. Like Job say to yourself "My Redeemer Liveth". If men have not laughed at you how can men laugh with you.
O God saturate me with your glory and let that glory advertise your goodness in my life.

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