Thursday 15 September 2016


What keeps Christiano Ronaldo at the top year after year?
Great passion for his work
Willingness to go an extra mile in training
Hatred for mediocrity
Willingness to learn
An eye to set new records.
An eye firmly set on nothing but the best.
We can learn a lot from the life of this great footballer as Christians. If we want to be Christians that heaven and earth will forever remember then we need to go about our Christian life like Ronaldo. Should Ronaldo retire today he will be remembered as one of the greatest footballers to have lived on this planet. Thankfully we have The Holy Spirit to help us.
If your prayer life is the same as it was 2 years back don't expect God to suddenly lift you. It doesn't work that way. If you no longer study God's word as you did when you were saved don't expect a radical change. Have you seen a Christian who is growing in leaps and bounds? He has an earnest desire for God. It doesn't happen accidentally.
Ask God for fresh hunger if you have lost it

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