Thursday 15 September 2016


Hebrews 7:25
For he supposed that his brethren would have understood that God would deliver them by his hand, but they did not understand.
God had told Abraham that his descendants would spend 400 years in a strange land afterward they would go out with great treasures. It was year 390 years from the time of the promise to the time Moses came into the picture. It had come into the heart of Moses to visit his brethren. Moses seeing his brethren go through all forms of abuse had that natural inclination to defend his people but that was not what God intended. God did not mistaken when he said 400 years but Moses was not ready for the task. He wanted to rescue the people his way. God had to send Moses to Jethro. Through shepherding Moses learnt the art.
The preparedness of a promise is equally key to the timing of a prophecy. God said you would marry this year. The question is are you prepared? God said you would travel to the nations to preach. Are you learning something about how international ministers go about their business? When God speaks it is not His sole responsibility to make things happen. When expectation meets preparation results is produced. Your time may be due but are you prepared? Training prepares a man for the battlefield.

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