Thursday 15 September 2016


Judges 15:1
But it came to pass within a while after, in the time of wheat harvest that Samson visited his wife with a kid; and he said , I will go in to my wife into my chamber. But her father would not suffer him to go in.
Judges 16:1
Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot and went in unto her.
I don't know the time frame between these two incidents but there is something worthy of note. In chapter 15 Samson went to his wife on legal grounds. He had a right to go into his wife. That desire had not been met. Then in verse 14 & 15 Samson slays his enemies but in chapter 16 it is recorded Samson goes into a harlot.
Have you ever had a just claim turned down or a sincere desire and request denied only to fall into sin or take matters in your own hands. Let me get practical; A young man wants to have a sexual affair with his wife only to be turned down day after day. Because a desire has not been met he loses self control and finds himself on a strange woman's laps.
A young woman invests so much in a relationship only to be abused. She ends up playing men in the future. A young man is jilted by a woman he loves. He gives into alcoholism to soothe his pain.
When wounds are not healed, when disappointments are not well handled the devil capitalises on that weakness. A desire is not a sin but when an unfulfilled dream or desire is not well managed the devil expands that weakness. An unfulfilled dream or desire not well managed creates more gaps for the devil to build strong holds.
Why did Samson fall into Delilah's trap? The problem started in the chamber of the harlot at Gaza. Learn to hold your peace in times of disappointments. When you lose your peace you lose your strength. When you lose your joy you will end up losing your integrity.
O God may my sincere unfulfilled dreams and desire not lead me into temptation. Teach me to wait for your perfect timing.

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