Friday 8 April 2016


Philippians 2:13
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Yesterday I was talking to my brother and he was telling me how difficult it had become for him to tell a lie. I affirmed it and we realised it was the working of God. Many times we pray to God to change our lives but we don't even realise what He has done and what He s doing.
Take your mind back and you will realise that you are not that temperamental person you used to be few years back. Some may attribute it to growth. If positive changes only happened through growth how come there are adults who are still holding unto their bad habits. Learn to recognise the working of God in your life. He changes us bit by bit.
It is like how our hair and nails grow. We never get to see how it happens but we know it grows daily. If we are still in fellowship with God then we should trust Him for that positive change we are seeking. Thank Him for what He has done and what He is about to do,
Glory To Jesus

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