Friday 8 April 2016


We can apply the birth,the works and death of Jesus to our lives in so many ways.
Jesus was and is still King over the whole universe but He chose to come down to a corrupt earth which still remains the lowest in terms of glory among creation because of man's fall. It's like the son of the president deciding to live in the most remote area of your country.
He was born in a town not noted for pomp yet after His earthly life Bethlehem still remains on the lips of people worldwide. You may have been born in a family or a place noted for poverty or notoriety but you can change the image of your background. No one can relegate your background except yourself.
He had a mission to fulfill which He was so focused on. He did not allow the hatred of the people to distract Him. We can choose to complete our heavenly assignment or allow criticisms and all forms of negativity to bury us.
He was exceptional right from childhood yet He was in submission to His parents. It doesn't matter how gifted we are we are still to be subject to those God has placed over us. It could be at work,family,ministry. You may be more gifted than your boss or pastor but God still requires you to submit.
Jesus knew the suffering on the cross was nothing compared to the glory that awaited Him. The trials,temptations we face daily should not cause us to give in. God rewards those who endure to the end. Jesus' name was exalted because He endured to the end. As the scripture says "He who overcomes shall inherit all things".
Glory To Jesus

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