Friday 8 April 2016


Sometimes people make statements like " I don't care about what people say or think about me". If you don't care then please keep it to yourself because the bible makes us to understand a man's words is an expression of what is on the inside. God knows you get depressed when people say bad things about you. He knows you cry in secret when no one is around. Just be sincere to God and tell Him you feel the pain when you are badmouthed. He will help you heal without any grudges. Sometimes we go through certain difficulties in life because we are not sincere to God and ourselves. If Samson had been smart enough to cry to God when Delilah was trapping him daily he wouldn't have lost his eyes.
God knows you put yourself in that mess. He's waiting for you to admit your faults and ask for help. Many Christians are going through a lot of challenges because of denial. A young lady or man who has come of age needs a partner for life but he or she keeps on telling people I'm not interested in relationship. Is that spirituality? God knows you have that need. Be sincere to God. Tell Him about the things you can't tell any man. Admitting your needs and weaknesses before God doesn't make you inferior to any man. It is an act of faith and humility.
You have anger and pride issues. You find your Christian brethren talking about pride. Because it pinches you you want to talk over the conversation and give a whole lecture on pride. Why don't you keep quiet,take some good points, repent and learn in humility. You also want to say some so that you will also feel good. When will you ever be that man who has sinned and needs God's mercy like the tax collector in the temple? Remember the sacrifices that God delights in is a broken spirit and a contrite hrart. God is ever ready to help such people. Because you prove to be all knowing people are even afraid to advice you. You have become Jehovah Almighty. Why should you suffer like that? Tell God you are a gossip,proud,an angry fellow.
It is better to look weak before men and sincere before God than to appear righteous before men and filthy before God. The bible says whatever is manifest is light. The moment you decide to admit that besotted sin and pour out to God you are no more in darkness. God will start working.

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