Friday 8 April 2016


Facebook ministry is good but sometimes God will take a man on the battlefield to fight battles in the real world. Dealing with people in the virtual world is different from dealing with people in the real world. A man can talk about healing all he wants on facebook. One day God will tell him, "son lets go, its time to get practical."
When such a fellow prays and people don't receive healing God is trying to tell him, "Son you are not what you think. You don't have faith as you thought". Another chap can talk about demonology. God will say "ok lets go. When this fellow starts dealing with demons and he realises he can't exorcise the demons, God is trying to tell him " Son you did not know how to use the authority I gave you as you thought". Another preacher will talk about love all day on facebook. God will say "ok let's go" Then God will allow a person who is a nuissance to come into his life.
God will not embarass His children but sometimes He puts them in certain battless to show them the stuff they are made of so that they will learn to move according to the measure of faith given them.
It is never about who talks much or who wants to do a lot. As we grow in The Lord, the enthusiasm that comes from the flesh will leave. When any of the promises of God in HIs word does not work for us it is because we lack understanding. Anything done without understanding lacks life. In my few years walk with God, I've learnt that God will not allow you to skip tests. You will take every test if you are going to get to the top.
The failures in ministry are not meant to distract or destroy us. They are meant to teach,humble and build us up.
Romans 15:18 Berean Study Bible
I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed,
Glory To Jesus

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