Friday 8 April 2016


The death and resurrection of the Lord accomplished two things.
1. Solving of the problem of sin and the old sinful nature that Adam passed unto us.
2. Giving to us by God the eternal life which existed before the foundation of the world.
It must be noted that the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is both a positive and a negative.
Negative and positive , because , just like a softcopy of a document which can always be printed and used. Such is the death and resurrection. We can always, by the Holy Spirit, draw upon the resources of the great substitution.
E.g if you want to deal with a stubborn habit, don't use your strength, take the document of his death and ask the Spirit of God to manifest the death of Jesus in your life.
If you want to bear the fruit of the spirit, do the same.
It's a foolish thing to try to type and print a 100 page document when the typing has already been done for you, and a printer provided free of charge. Why do you want to spend money to buy another printer?
The Holy Ghost is here to manifest the death and resurrection of Jesus in your life.
Stay blessed.

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