Friday 8 April 2016


As I was in a bus talking to The Lord about repentance and a genuine desire
to please Him, I asked Him about the innumerable sins which sometimes I can't recall and repent of. He told me, " Trust in The Holy Spirit. Trust in the power of His conviction. If you are paying attention, you would know His conviction."
Many times Christians are so burdened in their attempt to please God. They ask The Lord the things they have to let go. Pay attention to God's Spirit. One of His roles in the life of a believer is to convict us of our sins. No believer goes to hell without a warning. People go to hell because they loved their sins.
John 16:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

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