Thursday 7 July 2016


Dear Brother Boaz,
I'm writing to you to consider your misdemeanor towards Sister Ruth. The fact that she tries to get closer to you each day doesn't mean she is a cheap girl or a gold digger. The biblical Ruth was a Moabite widow. She might have lost her charm due to the sorrows she went through after the demise of her husband. She might have been naive or to an extent an illiterate in terms of Jewish culture but her perseverance, wisdom and submission got her name written in God's eternal books.
Dear Brother Boaz, she might be coming from a tribe least respected among your tribesmen but please like the biblical Boaz please see the treasure in her. God is sending her your way to remove the emotional scars through your warmth so that all will see her treasure within. Had Boaz missed Ruth probably his name might not have been mentioned in the genealogy of the Lord.
Sister Ruth has in her womb a treasure that many generations will celebrate. Sister Ruth has kings and warriors in her womb so dear brother Boaz be led by The Spirit and not your mind because the bible which you study and pray with day and night says "as many as are led by The Spirit of God are the sons of God" so please don't be speaking all the tongues and expect Ruth to come to you as one of the elites in society. Watch, pray and be sensitive.
Yours Faithfully
Ruth 2-4(Signed)
The Holy Bible

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