Thursday 7 July 2016


God is also a father
John 17:26 And I have declared unto them your name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.
Mankind has been plagued with 3 disease.
1. Identity crisis
2. Low self esteem
3. Insecurity
All these arise out of a lack of understanding the love nature of God, for love fills the void.
These problems are what drives people to clubs, drinking spots, bad company, drunkeness, etc.
In a nutshell, everyone is looking for love, the need to be cared for and understood.
Low self esteem arises out of the types of fathers we encountered when we were young.
a. The passive/ distant father.
-He rarely expresses his affection.
b. The Authoritarian Father.
-he gives you a long lists of dos and donts, and will interrupt you and say No to the things that are important to you.
c.The abusive father.
-they inflict pain on their children. Physical, emotional, and sometimes sexual abuse.
d. The absent father.
-he is totally absent. The father you never knew. Maybe as a result of he dying before you were born.
e. The accusing father.
-he proclaims to love you with his whole heart, but judges you continually for every failure.
Our identity, self esteem and security can only be found in God.
God is our father. We are his children. He is never too busy for us. Our father created the universe with its constellation of stars. Our father put the gold and other minerals in the earth for us.
The very hairs on our head have all been numbered by him. Our father keeps details. Our dad will not leave us nor forsake us.
He is not like the above fathers we have discussed so far.
1st John 3:1
Behold what manner of love the father has given to us, that we should be called the sons of God.
God's name as revealed by Jesus is FATHER

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