Thursday 7 July 2016


Jonah 1:3
But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.
The bible records something interesting in the ship when there was a storm. Jonah, who was the eye and mouth of God was fast asleep. The question is couldn't he feel there was something wrong? When a man loses touch with God sometimes ordinary men have to remind him who he is. When you flee God's presence you lose your relevance.
The gentiles on board had to wake him up before he came to his senses. When a man begins to negotiate and deviate the will of God for his life he begins to lose his purpose in life and when you lose your purpose people who are not at your level will have to teach you wisdom.
The people then cast lots to know the cause of the storm. Jonah was humbled before the people. They had to throw him into the sea for calm to return. Why should the world see a Christian being judged by God? That is the highest form of humiliation.

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