Thursday 7 July 2016


In the wilderness, jot down your experiences. In the desert where there are strong winds and there is little or no water to find write down your experiences. In the palace of Saul where you don't know the direction the next spear will come write down your experiences. Don't let them fade.
David learnt to chronicle the events of his life. Today we read the psalms and we are blessed. The storms will not sink you. The beasts in the valley will not kill you. The desert will not burry you. They are all processes not challenges. The Lord is baking you in His oven. He is refining you in his pots. When you come out you will then know He is Jehovah Rohi your Shepherd.
He reveals Himself through the storms. It is too early to give up. Gird up yourself as a man for strong is the One who has called you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jot down the experiences.
Like David, the 23rd Psalm of your life will impact posterity.
Glory To Jesus

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