Thursday 15 September 2016

The Glory

The glory of God has bearers. In the old testament the priests carried the ark of glory. In the new testament he has made us priests. We are bearers of his glory.
Every Christian is supposed to be a bearer or career of the glory of God. "Christ in you the hope of glory"
There are depths in glory. The more you behold His face, you move from one phase of glory to glory.
The glory is not for aliens. When Uzzah touched the ark he fell. When the enemy touches a bearer of glory he has to fall.
The height and depth of glory is dependant on the depth of your friendship with God.
The glory makes a man's face to shine. When you have glory you life becomes attractive.
The higher the glory, the more one loses consciousness of self. Moses did not know that his face was shining. Higher glory kills self.

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