Thursday 15 September 2016


Hebrews 12:15
It speaks of a root of bitterness. Anything that has roots has a fruit
How does bitterness come?
-Through hurts
-Through pride
- Self righteousness
-When we think we are too special to be offended
-When we see people to be too perfect
-When we think people are like God(faultless).
The fruit of hurts and offences is bitterness.
When you are hurt and offended you become bitter
How do you know u are bitter?
When you can't speak well of those who offend you
When you raise your voice over an issue that weighed you down in the past
When you suddenly become too aggressive over an issue it is a sign u are bitter
When u can't talk to people gently
When u can't sincerely pray for your offenders.
When a past issue is talked about and you begin to stereotype like as for guys...., as for ladies......
It means there is some hurt there.
Self love and respect also leads to bitterness.
That thing that cause people to isolate themselves lest they are hurt.
Self love is not loving yourself. It's being full of self. If it's not about you then nothing matters
Glory To Jesus

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