Thursday 15 September 2016


Numbers 18:20 ESV
And the LORD said to Aaron, “You shall have no inheritance in their land, neither shall you have any portion among them. I am your portion and your inheritance among the people of Israel.
When God alloted the land to His people He did not allow the Levites to have a share in the allotment. God told them He was their portion. Material wise it appeared they were lacking. The 11 tribes apparently were blessed material wise but God purposely chose the Levites among the 12 tribes to be separated to Himself.
What Was The Role Of The Levites?
The Levites helped in offering sacrifices made by blood. The blood was God's power of sanctification or in other words His holiness.
The Levites put show bread on the table of God. They had access to the bread of heaven
The Levites bore the ark of Glory. The Ark was the presence and glory of God among His people and only the Levites had that privilege.
The Levites offered fat on the altar. The fat was the glory of God.
The Levites who ministered at the temple had special garments which represented their rank, authority and Identity. As long as the garments were on them they were not of their own.
In the New Covenant God has made every believer a priest thus every believer is supposed to minister in his office as a priest. God was for all of Israel but there were people He had specially called unto Himself for separation. God is for all believers but those who minister to Him as a priest see
1. His holiness
2. Glory
3. His Presence
4. Rhema
5. His Authority
There are Christians who are blessed material wise but God is still calling all to minister to Him as priests. Here is the order.
First minister to Him as a priest
He will become your portion
When God becomes your portion all other things shall be added unto you.
As you begin the month of September may you stand in your office as a priest of the Most High God and minister to Him. All other things shall be added unto you.
Happy September Saints!!!!
Glory To Jesus

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