1.What makes some people to have dreams and visions while others do not?
Did you notice Joel 2:28, when the Spirit comes, Daughters n sons shall prophesy, Young man shall see visions.
There are young men called for visions and revelations, there are people called for that ministry, yet believers have a measure of the dreams and visions , just like there are people called with gift of healing yet all believers can have an occasional manifestation of healing, Mark 16:15-17, they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, the believers called for healing ministry, they have gift of healing while believers with occasional healing manifestation have FAITH in God's word.
So why others have dreams & visions and others don't?
-Because other people are not called there primarily
-they are ignorant of what the outpouring of the Spirit is for
-they are other issues that I will mention
-Because other people are not called there primarily
-they are ignorant of what the outpouring of the Spirit is for
-they are other issues that I will mention
2.What causes delay or unfulfilled manifestation even after God speaks to you that you will experience something supernatural?
-Living an unholy life, presence of sin
-doubt and unbelief, not acting on the word, just remaining passive and not acting on the prophetic word
-doubt and unbelief, not acting on the word, just remaining passive and not acting on the prophetic word
3.Why new born again Christians sometimes experience a move of God than believers who have been born again many years?
-God is encouraging them to be strong
-they are child like, trusting and believing God
-God treats baby Christians differently than normal believers, he can put up with a bit of unbelief in them, even sometimes living as they please, until they reach time to mature
-New believers sometimes are more teachable than old Christians, Smith Wigglesworth said, i rather pray with a new born again Christian than an old Pentecostal christian, he said, they are too much noise but with no power
-God is encouraging them to be strong
-they are child like, trusting and believing God
-God treats baby Christians differently than normal believers, he can put up with a bit of unbelief in them, even sometimes living as they please, until they reach time to mature
-New believers sometimes are more teachable than old Christians, Smith Wigglesworth said, i rather pray with a new born again Christian than an old Pentecostal christian, he said, they are too much noise but with no power
4. If someone used to have regular dreams n visions, then suddenly it stops
- (rarely) God uses that to train you to walk by faith
-most of the time, the person has shifted from right standing with God(backsliding)
-presence of sin
-Pride and bad character that God hates
-the gift becomes inactivated as one leaves God's presence which makes the gift to mature and be active
- (rarely) God uses that to train you to walk by faith
-most of the time, the person has shifted from right standing with God(backsliding)
-presence of sin
-Pride and bad character that God hates
-the gift becomes inactivated as one leaves God's presence which makes the gift to mature and be active
5. Dreams and visions are ways the Holy Spirit lead us, read the bible from Genesis to Revelation, Old testament to new testament, God always leads his people by his voice, visions, dreams and prophecy, he doesn't change.
So most of the time, why people fail to experience dreams and visions from God its because something is wrong, but the fault can never be with God and no one can stop you from hearing from God, its only your self. God desires to speak to us and lead us.
One of the reason why people fail to walk in the supernatural, people do not have faith but mental assent, some people are not passionate about God of the supernatural, they HOPE the supernatural, but we must BELIEVE, there are people who are excited about soccer, Tv, movies etc but when it is time for God, they show no interest, such people are not material for the supernatural.
You must read the bible and books on the supernatural, you must develop RIGHT motives for the supernatural, have GOOD character, live holy, put Jesus first in your life, desire and pursue the spiritual gifts and fruit, do not fake or pretend, be TEACHABLE (God hates unteachable spirit), there are people who will never learn or ask for help, they do when it is too late, How can you be liking, following posts, messages on other stuff, soccer, movies but you are not reading/ following posts/messages when someone talks about the supernatural? You will reap what you sow.
There are people i will pray for to experience supernatural, God sometimes tells me, that one wont experience it until they change, God knows their hearts, every man's walk with God is upon his own hands, If one doesnt decide to be serious, people will just overtake one in the spirit.
6. How come three people can hear the same message and receive same prophecy but one person gets the result?
-others hear not with spiritual ear
-God is not first in their lives
-they have no faith
-others hear not with spiritual ear
-God is not first in their lives
-they have no faith
If you always see your walk with God in positive terms , know there is a problem, if you always blame other people for your lukewarmness, you will not change. Never give excuse for sin and bad character, the sooner you deal with that, the better.
You can't say you are in right standing with God, when you have bad character, steal, lie, cheat, insults, miss church , being lazy to pray or read the bible, lusting after boys/girls, worldly music and movies, talk like worldly people, drink beer, hatred, party animal etc angels hate sin and disobedience, they will stay away from you
You can't disobey God in one area n expect him to bless you in another, you can't miss church then expect to walk in the supernatural, you can't refuse to tithe and expect to be anointed, you can't be lazy to pray & read the bible, but expect to see angels & visions. How can you live in fornication/immorality and expect to be used by God, to walk in the supernatural?
Also some people do read the bible, pray and fast but they will not walk in the supernatural because they do not regard or honor the principles of God, some pray with wrong motives, to be famous, celebrated, to have more money etc God knows our hearts. Some after their quest for the supernatural fails, they turn bitter against those who walk in the supernatural, the same people begin to criticize that which they believed in and sort after, but God is not mocked. He knows our hearts.