Saturday 12 December 2015


God will grant you whatever you sincerely hunger for. It is written He satisfies the longing soul. Many times we do not receive because we leave the mountain when we are tired or when things don't work as we expected. Sometimes too we do not receive because our focus is not on Him but on others. What fetched others results may not fetch you results. We must learn to run our own race and fight our own battles.
Any man who lives his entire life imitating ends up setting a limit on his life. You heard brother A fasted for 40 days to reach where he is so you want to follow suit. Our pursuit of God should be based on love. Pray with the love of God in your heart. Fast with the love of God in your heart. Study the Word of God with the love of God in your heart. Let God see in your heart you desire Him. The key to walking in uncommon power,signs and wonders is a genuine love for God. Know that every quality time spent with God is a time of sowing. Do men sow and reap immediately? The seed has to be watered over and over until it springs up. You have to keep on praying,worshiping,studying,remain faithful. That is your plantedness in God. When your time of increase comes, all will see.

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