Saturday 12 December 2015


There were many Jewish nobles and princes that were taken into captivity in Babylon but ask why the bible made mention of Daniel and his 3 friends. Any decision, any choice that promotes The God in us,His holiness can never be blotted out of God's eternal books. Cast your mind back on the woman who broke her alabaster box. The Lord testified of this woman that her deed was going to be a memorial throughout generations.
Daniel's surroundings had changed but his heart did not change. The fact that everyone around you is a thief doesn't mean you should become a thief. From the onset, Daniel and his friends knew what they wanted. The other Jewish nobles compromised their faith when they were exposed to Babylonian luxury. Power,honour and glory is not in how much a man has in his chest. A man who fully consecrates himself to God will be decorated by Him.
How much do you want? In a time like this when the pleasures of the world are increasing by the day. In a time when the attractions of the world are causing many souls in the kingdom to be unstable ask yourself how much do I want? How far can my eyes see? The saints of old kept their eyes on the prize. Today they are focal point for all generations.
Don't let the world steal you. It's pleasures are just for a season. O that my name will ring bells when God's eternal books are opened. O that my decision in this life will be much talked about when I stand before God someday. March forward soldier. Heaven has got your back.
Glory To Jesus

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