Saturday 12 December 2015


Have you ever looked into the mirror one morning only to get upset about your looks? Our sisters will understand this better. Maybe you were looking better the previous night in the mirror only to wake up the next day looking unkempt and unattractive. Maybe you realized your eyes and nose were not as beautiful as you thought.
What would you do? Will you mutilate your body? I don't think so. You will do everything within your capacity to improve the image you saw in the mirror? Why? Because you know you can't step out with that appearance.
You might begin to have a complex about your looks when you see your image in the mirror. You might say to yourself after all I wasn't that beautiful right.
That is how most of us behave towards people who have similar evil traits as we do. When we see the evil in others we can't come to terms with the fact that that's what we are on the inside so we criticize to soothe our already troubled conscience.
Are we not supposed to dress up that image we see? Are we not supposed to work on our pride,anger,greed,lust,laziness? Like poles repel. I'm yet to find a proud person who likes another proud person. Why? The image he sees in the other person is too ugly to behold.
We should first mind our business and allow God to work in us. People gossip but hate others who gossip. We have become like King David who slept with Bathsheba and murdered Uriah and went further to murder the man in the parable. Is God showing you your image in this message. Then you have to cry out to Him and repent.
📢Glory To Jesus™

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