Saturday 12 December 2015


It equally interests God that we come to know and fully understand the work of redemption and its entitlements the same way He yearns every man on earth will be saved. Whatever He says about His redeemed that's what they really are. Remember scripture says it is impossible for God to lie(Hebrews 6:18). When God says we are seated above in heavenly places, that is where we really are. You might have heard It a 100 times.
The Patriarchs had a view of God's promises through the eyes of faith though they did not receive it in this life. Have a picture that you actually there. Relate with The Father with the consciousness that you are seated with Christ surrounded by innumerable angels. When we begin to approach God that way, prayer will no longer be burdensome. Worship will not only be about singing. Jesus once told me "You have access to the heavenlies 24/7. Just separate yourself from the distractions of the world and come." We can visit heaven throughout the day. The true home of our regenerated spirits is heaven. When God through Paul told us to come boldly before the throne of grace, He meant more than dragging oneself into his prayer closet. The One who called you to come has already positioned you there. Just believe and approach. God desires to fellowship with us always. Many Christians cease to be Christians after their quiet time. They give God an hour and reason within themselves I've given God what is due Him. Noo!!!!! That's not how it works or was intended to be. If we are seated with Him far above principalities,powers and dominions then we ought to live according to what has been conferred on us. The chief inspector of police does not leave his post when he leaves his office because he knows his position has been conferred on him. He lives it as long as he remains in this position.
The highest form of spiritual relationship is to live the full life of our redemption. In heaven we will be known by how deep we walked with Him. We cannot go deeper with Him if we do not understand His redemption plan. The reason why many get frustrated after so much spiritual exercise is because they do not fully understand who they are. We should come to know,believe and accept that whatever He says we are. That's our true identity.
When God told Abraham he had made him a father of many nations there was no evidence on ground but he forsaw God's promise through the eyes of faith.
Glory To Jesus

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